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Monthly Comic Contest

Typhlosion Dude

De Ja Vu...
I will get this thread stickied soon.

Hi and welcome to the November Comic Contest!
This month's theme: Fall
Everything you need to know is down below.

What's this about?
Well this is a contest that me and other judges can judge your comics and see which ones people will like the most.

Can I be a judge?
No. I will pick certain people on the forums to be judges.

I will probally make a monthly comic contest.


You may only enter 1 comic. I will pick 3 other judges and they will decide if your comic is good. When a judge judges your comic, you will get up to 5 points in 5 catogories. So you will get a total of 25 points. Then I will add up the points for you from the judges and post your scores at the end of Novemeber. We are looking for the following catogories in a comic:

Comedy: Every comic has to have a few laughs.
Grammer Errors: A comic with good grammer and correct end marks will make readers want to read more.
Neatness: A neat comic is a good comic.
Does it focus on the theme: If it doesn't focus on the theme your comic might go from one theme to another and so on.
Sprites: Everyone wants a comic with good sprites.

And people, don't flame other people's comics.

That's all for now.
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Did you get this approved by a mod? If not you should wait until you do.


Sorry to tell this but I think the theme for this contest is not a really good one. Thanksgiving is a holiday only celebrated by the people of the USA. For Other North Americans, people from Asia, Africa, South America and Australia and Europeans it is a rather difficult theme since they have never celebrated Thanksgiving.

Maybe you should chose a theme that the whole world is familiar with...


Okay sorry. I changed the theme. I did pm a mod to sticky this thread.
You have to ask them prior to making the thread if you can make the contest... I think... Who did you ask?


Waiting for the Worm
I'm already doing a Thanksgiving comic. But: it won't be sprited. I hope you don't mind.


used Metronome!
I don't think that a person who can't spell "grammar" is in the least qualified to critique someone else in that respect.


I'm wholeheartedly agreeing with you two. If he can't give us the proper info of who he got it approved by... I'll be hostin' it because MC gave me permission if this user cannot prove they got approval. This user didn't run it by MC, but it is possible they asked someone else.

Sorry to be so critical of you, Typhlosion Dude, but we really don't know you that well and usually veterans of this forum run events here.


**_ IS FEMALE _**
I'd love to enter this some time... but does it have to be sprited? Personally I prefer to draw from scratch to get better desired effects. Then I can play around more with composition, lighting etc.

However I most likely won't be entering until the christmas holidays :p Btw, was the misspelling of "RUELS" intentional? But it's fine if 'twas just a slip-up.

edit: Oops, I repeated what's already been said. Sorry...
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I hate to be a grammar nazi, but the grammar for the first post still hasn't been fixed...

Also, anyone doing anything for this? Bumping to try to get this thing going.

Typhlosion Dude

De Ja Vu...
I fixed the grammer. And guys it's the 8th pretty soon it will be the last of November. Oh yeah you will get results of your comic on the first of December. And then the theme will change.

Typhlosion Dude

De Ja Vu...
Yay! Someone entered! But what I'm upset with is that it's a MD comic. I was about make a new episode but now... this rips my heart out!
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