Typhlosion Dude
De Ja Vu...
I will get this thread stickied soon.
Hi and welcome to the November Comic Contest!
This month's theme: Fall
Everything you need to know is down below.
What's this about?
Well this is a contest that me and other judges can judge your comics and see which ones people will like the most.
Can I be a judge?
No. I will pick certain people on the forums to be judges.
I will probally make a monthly comic contest.
You may only enter 1 comic. I will pick 3 other judges and they will decide if your comic is good. When a judge judges your comic, you will get up to 5 points in 5 catogories. So you will get a total of 25 points. Then I will add up the points for you from the judges and post your scores at the end of Novemeber. We are looking for the following catogories in a comic:
Comedy: Every comic has to have a few laughs.
Grammer Errors: A comic with good grammer and correct end marks will make readers want to read more.
Neatness: A neat comic is a good comic.
Does it focus on the theme: If it doesn't focus on the theme your comic might go from one theme to another and so on.
Sprites: Everyone wants a comic with good sprites.
And people, don't flame other people's comics.
That's all for now.
Hi and welcome to the November Comic Contest!
This month's theme: Fall
Everything you need to know is down below.
What's this about?
Well this is a contest that me and other judges can judge your comics and see which ones people will like the most.
Can I be a judge?
No. I will pick certain people on the forums to be judges.
I will probally make a monthly comic contest.
You may only enter 1 comic. I will pick 3 other judges and they will decide if your comic is good. When a judge judges your comic, you will get up to 5 points in 5 catogories. So you will get a total of 25 points. Then I will add up the points for you from the judges and post your scores at the end of Novemeber. We are looking for the following catogories in a comic:
Comedy: Every comic has to have a few laughs.
Grammer Errors: A comic with good grammer and correct end marks will make readers want to read more.
Neatness: A neat comic is a good comic.
Does it focus on the theme: If it doesn't focus on the theme your comic might go from one theme to another and so on.
Sprites: Everyone wants a comic with good sprites.
And people, don't flame other people's comics.
That's all for now.
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