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Well-Known Member
Im raising both a Nidoran M and F in my LG game, and I want to get them both to their final evolutionary stage at some point. Ive got the one Moon Stone from Mt Moon, but I cant remember if there are anymore in the game?

Does anyone know, if there are, and if so, where they are?

Thanks for the help!

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
There are two in Mt. Moon, one in Cinnabar Mansion, one you get from Lostelle's father, and...that's all I can remember now...


Active Member
If i remember right there are two in mnt moon
1st- normal item(apears on overworld as pokeball symbol)
2nd- Hidden item located just before you obtain the fossills (down a bit in the indent on the right)

another moon stone is found in Team Rocket hideout under Celadon gamecorner

On the original games (Red/Blue) another couple could be found in burn't mansion

don't remember where any others are found (except for wild clefairy)


Completing The Trio
use thief on some of the clefairy in mt.moon for all of your moon stone needs


Your best bet is probably Clefairys, although the carry rate is only 5%. Well, 5 of 100 or 1 of 20 isn't too bad.


Strawberry fields.
Yes, Clefairy is probably teh way to go.

If you plan on using Nidoking and Nidoqueen against the Elite 4, I would reconsider that strategy. They won't help a lot, and they tend to die a lot against the Elite 4, and easily too.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Clefairy is probably teh way to go.

If you plan on using Nidoking and Nidoqueen against the Elite 4, I would reconsider that strategy. They won't help a lot, and they tend to die a lot against the Elite 4, and easily too.

That all depends on the training. ;)

Thanks for the help guys.

When I was walking through Mt Moon, I coulda sworn there was something down that little indent right before the fossils, but nothing was at the end of it, so I figured I was mistaken. Guess Ill have to wait til I get Fly and go back for it and some Clefairy, heheh.


Strawberry fields.
I wasn't really speaking about how well you train them, but more of their unfortunate type combinations, mostly the Poison one. :(!

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
That all depends on the training. ;)

Thanks for the help guys.

When I was walking through Mt Moon, I coulda sworn there was something down that little indent right before the fossils, but nothing was at the end of it, so I figured I was mistaken. Guess Ill have to wait til I get Fly and go back for it and some Clefairy, heheh.

Actually there is a Moonstone in the indent. If you couldn't find it, use Itemfinder.

Baby Mew

You can three moon stones one in Mt. moon after you rescue losstele
and in rocket hide out in cealadon you can't get it in cinnabar mansion

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
There is a moonstone in the indent. check the one space before you hit the wall.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't really speaking about how well you train them, but more of their unfortunate type combinations, mostly the Poison one. :(!

Yea, that can be a hinderence, but they can be especially useful during the fight with your rival at the end, as they can learn such a large variety of moves, that you can customize them to help out in any element you might need that your party needs a boost in or lacks entirely. Fire, water, grass, electric, ground, ice, dragon(i think), etc...


Natsu no Maboroshi
Steal them from a Cleafairy, or trade some from emerald.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
You can three moon stones one in Mt. moon after you rescue losstele
and in rocket hide out in cealadon you can't get it in cinnabar mansion

Actually you CAN get one on Cinnabar Mansion. It's in one of the rocks at the entrance, not in the pillars like in R/B/Y.


Active Member
All I'm gonna say is that Itemfinder is your best friend. I believe I have five moonstones at the moment, just from my FireRed game alone. Use it everywhere you possibly can!


Well-Known Member
There are 5 Moon Stones in the game, no need to steal them off Clefairy. There's 2 in Mt.Moon, 1 in Cinnabar Mansion, 1 on Island 2, and 1 in the Team Rocket Hideout (Celadon Game Corner).