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More art for you to see. I'm on a roll, here.


Meowth Fanatic <3
I wrote up a huuuge post for your last thread, and then my computer froze and I lost it. I was upset. >_<; So, let's try again...

First, I want to say the Christmas picture from your last thread was amazing. I looked at it and went, "omg that's good foreshortening." That's not really on-topic, but I felt it ought to be said.

Kevin: I like his expression, his mouth is well-done, and the anatomy is mostly pretty good. However, it looks more... rushed, than most of your art. The eyes are too close together, the jaw is too square, the shoulders look off (the one further away from the viewer, especially, looks like it sticks out too far, to me) and his waist is too skinny. I seem to tell you to draw thicker waists every time I crit your art... x3 Sorry about that. ^^()

Francine: Again, you draw fantastic expressions. ^^ But again, it looks rushed. Her eyes are too high up on her head, I think... and it looks kinda incomplete. ^^() I do like the leaf, though.

Keira: That is one giant cigar. =o Anyway, I like the way you drew her mouth, her glasses, and her eyes. Her head looks like it could be just a tiny bit narrower, maybe, and a little more detail to her ears. The hand is really good, but the thumb needs a little work. (And you could make the cigar look a teeny bit less phallic, if you tried. <3)

Maria: Again, her eyes look a little bit too high on her face, but I think that's the biggest problem with this one. I love the goggles and the peircings. :3

...Have you ever really refined a sketch, inked it and colored it? (Wait! I went to your DA; you HAVE done so. x3) But here, I've never seen anything but sketches from you. ^^()


used Metronome!
They're all relatively average... You obviously have talent, but these sketches are a bit rough for my taste. Keira looks like she's having a bite of a long stick of cheese bread, not smoking a cigar.


They were rushed. None of them toook more than 4 minutes, tops.
So, I consider these compliments, more than anything else.
Otherwise; lessons learned >_>

Uber peanut

First of all, all of your art is too sketchy and light. Learn to make clean smooth lines that easily distinguish clothing from skin etc. Make your lines darker, too.


The arms are really poorly drawn. I don't care if you drew it in 4 minutes or 4 hours; they're bad. The arms are so disproportionate (meaning they aren't sized right compared to the rest of the body, in case you didn't know what the word meant) However, you should since you seem to tell everybody else around here to draw proportionatly. Hypocrite.
The crossing of the arms is also poorly done.

His neck (or lack there of) needs to be longer. People's necks aren't that short. Even for "Kevin's" "musculature".

His hair looks like it was just plopped onto his head. Doesn't look good at all.

What is wrong with her clothes? Where does it begin? Where does it end? It looks like a bunch of scribbles. Seriously.

The eye is hideous and too far forward, also.

Way too many things wrong with this one.
1). People don't hold cigars like that. Especially one so retardedly large as the one you drew. They would hold it near the mouth, not near the end. Do some research before you draw something.

2). The eyes are way too far forward. It looks like the face was pulled out far from the head, but the ears stayed where they were. You really should look into how to draw heads. It might just teach you something.

3). The thumb on the hand holding the cigar is severely distorted. Actually look at a hand while you're drawing so you don't make a fool of yourself. (actually, you'd do that regardless)

New Character
The eyes, once again, are distorted, too thin, and too far forward. The clothes are hard to distinguish and the whole picture is extremely poorly drawn. The shoulders are excessively broad and square and the lip piercings are way too dark compared to the rest of the picture.

All in all, sub-par work for an artist of your age.

Uber peanut

Whoops. Sorry (not really) for the double post. Oh well. Not much anyone can do about it.


lol reference for Kevin.
An explanation, perhaps; I used reference from iStockphoto, which is all real people in poses and what not. I guess the anime stylings of my stuff, and the real life anatomy didn't blend as well as I had hoped.

But then again, you never did like me or my work, so I'll just take what you said with a grain of salt, then just smile and nod.