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More Deltaness. Yay!


King of the Marsh

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
Ugh. More unoriginal art. It's not that it's bad art, I just believe that it should show some orginality.

Magikarp: 9/10
Gyarados: 9.5/10 - Good effects.
Is it just me, or is Gyara's second attack 99% of the time a ohko for [R][M][C]?

I'm probably missing something.


King of the Marsh
The Dark Ariados error is making you think it does damage to the Bench, when actually the damage is done to the Active.


Mononoke Fan
Is there a way to make the Deltas the correct holo? Also you should probably change the wording for the second attack so it says "This attack does equal to that Pokemons remaining HP to your opponents active Pokemon." It would most likely be errated to something like that if it actually came out.


King of the Marsh
Funny you should mention that.

Not the best application, but it'll do until someone makes a decent sheet.


Mononoke Fan
I like, pic is cool and nothing looks wring IMO with the text.