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More like NetBattle?


Now, I doubt something like this will ever happen - but it's an interesting idea nonetheless. With the online capabilities of the Wii, don't you think leveling up is going to be tedious? I just want to battle online as soon as I get the game, But I can't really be bothered with training this time around. So what if they included a function to create your own team and sculpt it to your interests, give your Pokemon whatever EV's and IV's you want, and select whatever moves you need? It certainly would speed up team-building.

Of course, these Pokemon wouldn't be transferrable to DP or anything - They'd be for PBR Wifi only.

Just an idea I've been pondering over. On an unrelated note, does anyone see the Mii's being used as a player avatar whilst online? There could be some sort of engine that takes the information of your Mii character and applies it to a Pokemon character base.

Thanks for your time - now for discussion.


Veteran smartass
Now, I doubt something like this will ever happen - but it's an interesting idea nonetheless. With the online capabilities of the Wii, don't you think leveling up is going to be tedious? I just want to battle online as soon as I get the game, But I can't really be bothered with training this time around. So what if they included a function to create your own team and sculpt it to your interests, give your Pokemon whatever EV's and IV's you want, and select whatever moves you need? It certainly would speed up team-building.

Of course, these Pokemon wouldn't be transferrable to DP or anything - They'd be for PBR Wifi only.

Just an idea I've been pondering over. On an unrelated note, does anyone see the Mii's being used as a player avatar whilst online? There could be some sort of engine that takes the information of your Mii character and applies it to a Pokemon character base.

Thanks for your time - now for discussion.

no just no <<
the main function in pokemon games is to raise them
and then everyone would chose 31ivs o_O <---why are they there if they dont matter anymore then?;328;


Renatls are one thing but this... It goes against everything GF has been telling us all the time.


no just no <<
the main function in pokemon games is to raise them
and then everyone would chose 31ivs o_O <---why are they there if they dont matter anymore then?;328;

Hidden Power. Also, perhaps they could put a limit on how high your IV's could go?


Yeah Baby!
Herls I think what mijta means is that people just select moves and have max evs on one thing, this defeats the purpose of pkmn games.
Some arrogant people claim that they're are better than each other, let the prove it and raise their pkmn like they are suppose to.
We may get cheaters but I feel it's better to lose with your own pkmn than to lose with some pkmn you order, i mean rent


Powerplay Champion
honestly, that idea just seem to take the point of TRAINING out of the game.
maybe the real solution is making the battles in the conmsole versions faster.


Dragon Master
I seriously doubt they'd allow customisation to that point. Maybe rentals with multiple setups could be used, but having full control over your Pokemon's stats could be a bit too much. If they do allow any kind of rental though, I think it would be a very good idea to either make it impossible to battle normal teams with them or make the battles not count to any kind of record (assuming they implement that).

I don't know that many people who can understand the game that deep though. Some people could probably make a team worse than what they would have if they raised an actual team, without even realising it. On the other hand, it would allow people to experiment with ideas to see if they're worth using on a proper Pokemon.


Allowing your pokemon to get Iv's or Ev's w/out raising or stuff would ruin the game. there is no way GF would allow this


If PBR was like that, the entire point of using your own D/P pokemon on PBR would be eliminated. Just hope for rentals (you probably won't get to pick out their movesets)

Plus, IVs and EVs were never something officially explained by the games. I don't think they'll add a feature that will allow you to edit them, because most people don't even know how these mechanics work.

Maybe a team-planning function would work, like make a team, decide movesets, etc... (no need to display stats) then PBR can tell you all of your team's weaknesses and offensive advantages, but you won't be able to actually use that team until you actually make it yourself.
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