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More Mew


Well-Known Member
Well, I made a thread about Mew yesterday, and I got all my answers, but I have more questions. (Note I DID search for these answers and came up with nothing)
-Will Mew only be in a dungeon floor when you first get to it, or can it appear over time?
-Lets say Mew uses the Transform move BEFORE you get to the dungeon, and when you get there, it is, lets say, a Sandshrew, and you battle it. When you inflict damage, will it say is as Sandshrew or Mew?
-Are there any certian floor where Mew seems to appear more than others?
-How long should I stay on a floor looking for Mew?

Post YOUR way you got Mew if you want.

Sorry for all the truoble, but I am really set on catching her, and if one of the questions have already been answered, please don't post about it again unless you have a different answer.


Tails the Bouyzel
Okay, She can appear in monster houses, And appears more likely on floors 94/98 But still her show up rate is very low. Maybe lower than Feebas..


Well-Known Member
Ok, one question answered, 3 more to go.


Well-Known Member
Mew will be on a dungeon floor when you first enter it.
Before you get into the floor, nothing happens. Everything starts when you enter that floor and when you are moving. So Mew will not transform before.
If it transforms into Sandshrew, it will say Sandshrew.
You don't need to stay long at all. If within the first 20 steps, there is nothing in the dialog box about Mew, then Mew isn't in that floor.


Tails the Bouyzel
Yes, But she can be sleeping, or not using transform.


Well-Known Member
Thats highly unlikely, but if it is possible, then it still doesn't matter. If you miss Mew on one floor, there is a chance that Mew will appear again on another floor.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so for sure, you cant walk around for a long time and Mew will appear?

Thanks for all the help.


The Mono-type Man
I mwt Mew around 37-43 and all i did was move around, i already had the music box so that was probably it, also i had final island thats Mew's friend area. He might not even use transform, he didn't when i found him, attack every single pokemon on the floor and then move on.


ooo, what's cooking?
I mwt Mew around 37-43 and all i did was move around, i already had the music box so that was probably it, also i had final island thats Mew's friend area. He might not even use transform, he didn't when i found him, attack every single pokemon on the floor and then move on.

That is almost impossibel. I think this is a good thread to post my little event. I was getting angry, it was my 3rd time thru buried relic and still no mew. I examined the music box to see what it could do and clicked "use" My music box dissapesred, does it call mew when it doe s than, or increases the chance to find him, or something. I figured it was a bad idea to check, so i used an escape orb and looked for a wm for music box so i can redeem my little mistake.


In Nintendo Exhile
Mew just appears randomly on the floors, but has about less than 10% chance of appearance. To have at least 1/4 of a chance to recruit it, you have to have the Friend Bow & be at level 100.

I found Mew as well, but I did not see him at all my first time around, saw him on my 2nd time around on like the 68th floor, but did not recruit him. I then started to train my Raichu, and actually bumped into him for the 2nd time on the 40th floor. Reacting fast, I immediately put on the Friend Bow (I was also at level 100 and at Lucario rank). I just tackled it, and I recruited it right after I killed it.
Mew will probably appear in other words, when you don't expect it to appear.


ooo, what's cooking?
interesting, so i guess Ill have to get another music box and try again. Buried Relic is ez for a 99 floor dungeon. I can beat it in half an hour, and that's with several monster houses. If mew appeared in a monster huse, i would be scared...