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More of my sprites from a fresh start


Is that flying pie?
ice milotic
blackcherry milotic
fire-water milotic
devamped dragonite
devamped flygon
opal beldodri-oh
opal milotic
some revamps

so, how are they? i just made them not too long ago.


-swampert used gasp!
those sprites are awesome,your really talanted at making these sprites :)

Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
They're not very good at all.

Recolors are recolors, so if you got this wrong I wouldn't bother posting in this thread.

Charizaunt's claws are coming out of its right knee and its side, and other than that it's just a C+P & recolor, the easiest kind of mix that also usually look terrible.

Beldodri-oh has default Paint colors in the tail, some of the outline is missing and the rest isn't recolored from Dodrio's.

Then another recolor, and a recolor with fire slapped on.

Dragonite/Flygon/Gyarados has outlining problems, with parts missing/not recolored. If you just slapped on a Gyarados tail so you wouldn't have to put the Flygon one on (and it's not really Dragonite/Flygon/Gyarados), that's double the laziness of a C+P.

Pokeon has a fourth of an ear missing and outlines missing all over the place.

The "devamps" are just recolors, you did nothing else at all.

Yanmian has the same problems as all your other mixes: Missing outlines, etc. The tail is... absolutely terrible. If you're going to C+P, just C+P, don't make it worse.

Opal Beldrio-oh is a recolor of a sprite that was already bad.


Swampard has an awful wing angle (one of them would be almost on top of the other), and some of the shades have square edges. I suspect that is a result of your C+Ping the entire head. Nevertheless, this is one of your better sprites.

Your "revamps" are recolors. There should be shading updates or something.



Is that flying pie?
^ -_- whatever.......i think ur just jealous that im really good at it. -_-
if im lazy, imagine how long it took me to do this,:
but how about this?:

you can't say im bad now.;)
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Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
OK, I try to give good crit and help you realize what is wrong with your sprites and I get blasted for it? Sheesh.

Oh. 'Lazy' was the wrong word for that situation. 'Oblivious' would've been better.

And that Lugia junk proves absolutely nothing to me. I'd crit those too, but you obviously don't care what's wrong with your work, so I won't bother.
^ -_- whatever.......i think ur just jealous that im really good at it. -_-
if im lazy, imagine how long it took me to do this,:


but how about this?:

you can't say im bad now.

:eek: I'm speech less!


Is that flying pie?
OK, I try to give good crit and help you realize what is wrong with your sprites and I get blasted for it? Sheesh.

Oh. 'Lazy' was the wrong word for that situation. 'Oblivious' would've been better.

And that Lugia junk proves absolutely nothing to me. I'd crit those too, but you obviously don't care what's wrong with your work, so I won't bother.

well, no one's perfect. so "sheesh" to you.
Amaisan Axis is right, you should listen to him/her -__-

NEVER use default paint colors. They are horrible and eye-burning.

The mixes are really copy-pasteish. Parts don't fit if you don't fix them.

Re- and devamps are just recolours, like Amaisan Axis said. You have to do your own shadings.

The rainbow-colored lugia burns my eyes, and others are a very very little better but still... I don't like them...


guess whos back?
well, no one's perfect. so "sheesh" to you.

Which is why everyone should take advice so they can get closer to perfection. -.-;
seriously, if you post sprites, your bound to get crit, which you SHOULD take, cause these sprites can use improvement.
I would post some crit aswell, but Axis already said what i was going to say, and apparently, you would deny it anyway.
and the lugias arent even sprites =/
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