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Morsula's presentation


French user
Hello everybody !

I am Morsula, webmaster of Pokemon-Trash. I am 18 years old, French is my native language and I learn English and German. Later I would like to learn Chinese and to become diplomat. Currently I learn management (Bac Sciences et Technologies de la Gestion).

I like to surf on the Net, to listen music, to read and go to the cinema.

With the pleasure of reading you.


<-- Geodude is ANGRY
Salut! j'mappelle Krymzen, tu es mon amie.

I hope I said that ight.. as I've only been doing french for a year.
But anyway, it's nice to have you here and feel free to Pm me ay time.


Queen of Charizards!
Hey if you need any help learning English, PM me. I'll be glad to help