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mortal kombat armegeddon


Jade Star Trainer
has any one else played it?
multi player is pretty good since there are over 60 characters to choose from, but i thought the konquest mode was way to short, beat it in 6 hours.


Well-Known Member
I beat it in 4, very short, it's a good fighting game between friends, KAKS are fun, but the story is lacking, I like it... more than KHII, but not as much as the Shadow Hearts.


The power of the sun
yah i played it at a friends house, its cool cuz of all the characters and that u can make ure own characters ( LOL my friend made jin from tekken, and he has almost the same moves from tekken, and he looks like him it took him a long time though). Its fun to play it multiplayer.

One thing though is that I thought that the main bad-guy(Blaze, the fire dude) should have been called armageddon, i thought that would have been a more suiting name since blaze sounds too "Athletic Kick-boxer" name rather than a giant fire behemoth that blaze is.. lol


Natsu no Maboroshi
I've played a bit, and now I'm creating my own character....heh.