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Mortal Kombat on DS


<-- Geodude is ANGRY
Uh, that would be nice..

But you have to kind of have a point to thread like thses.


Awaiting October.
Meh it wouldn't effect me because i actually dislike the whole MK series
meh.. I like tekken better. It would be cool though, if they did.

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
Didn't they recently put out the last of the MK games?

"Armageddon" or something like that.

So, there you go... the DS does need a good Fighting game though... DBZ: SSW2 and the Guilty Gear game both sucked.


Old Coot
Didn't they recently put out the last of the MK games?

"Armageddon" or something like that.
Armageddon is the last for the PS2 and Xbox, not the last for the series. A Wii version is on the way.

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
I want to see all FE from 1-5 on the DS.

Anyway, I guess it might be fun to rip out someones throat on a long car trip, but I imagine it could turn into another MKA and due horrible in the ratings.


A Mortal Kombat would be nice, but as long as Midway don't butcher it up like they have the past few games, it'll be good. Maybe a port of all 3 old Mortal Kombat games mixed together (like Armageddon, but better and less "new"). Since I'm not a MK fan, I'm gonna guess that fans will be clamoring for a new old Mortal Kombat game that captures the essence of MK. Good fatalities, decent gameplay, and something that will draw in new crowds, but the critics will still rate highly of. I couldn't see myself playing a new Mortal Kombat game after how Midway have butchered the last 4 or 5 games, but hey, if they make it and get it right, it may just be something I buy.