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Mossdeep Space Shuttle ???

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Venusaur The Best
I've just had a thoght i have been playing Emerald for some 100's of hours and i realised that the space station is completly useless there is one double story battle in Emerald but i cant remember anything happening there in Ruby. There were the rumours about how to get Deoxys and Jirachi which arent true. But also why does the counter for the amount of times a space shuttl increase if has no relevance to the game.

Please share your ideas

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
It's the number of week you've been playing. Nothing else. :p

i!Mr Poo-Poo Head!i

Well-Known Member
For a laugh?!:p
lol, i dunno, maybe they did it just to make people spread rumours like the deoxys and jirachi thing so there may have been some advertisment scheme, i dunno:p


Venusaur The Best
The number of weeks that sucks !!!
Oh well


Shadow Amongst Light
The counter adds up for the number of weeks you've been playing.
The only purpose of the space center is to be used to elude to the existance of jirachi and deoxys.
Number of weeks played

The Jirachi and Deoxys thing is false, besides there are other methods to get them
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