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Most annoying client-teamups!


Well-Known Member
Have you ever had the most annoying client to team up with you for a mission?

Today I had to bring along a Vileplume so she could find her friend, a Pupitar. She was the most annoying Pokémon I've EVER met! First off, she used Aromatherapy CONSTANTLY! That move take forever to finish and she used it efter other turn. When she (finally, I hoped) ran out of PP, she tried to use it constantly again >_> The whole game lagged like hell because she wanted to use that move all the time.
And if that wasn't enough, she kept going the way SHE wanted to go - always going the other way that I was, so I had to go get her.

It took me FOUR tries to bring her to Pupitar, because she kept dying to the Pokémon because she walked the way she wanted >_> She also cost me an Elektrike, Weedle and Nidoran (male) I just befriended.

I'm NEVER accepting a job with a Vileplume again!

So.. what about you guys?


Tyranitar Trainer
I usually don't accept escort missions for that reason. I once had to escort a weedle through magma cavern to another pokemon (forgot which) and it kept using string shot on pokemon that I was trying to sneak past. Also it kept decideding that it should leave me and go another way so It would constantly die and waste my revival seeds. I eventully gave up when I ran out of seeds. I don't like escort missions. I also remember my friend had to escort illumise to a volbeat ( I dispise both of them so I would never do that) and illumise kept using
moonlight. constantly.

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
I don't do escort mission's unless the reward is something really good like a orange gummi or a statue but what really annoy's me is murky cave escorting gengar he think's he can take on all the ghost type's when there in a wall >_<


Better then you
Vileplume hands down. That frickin Aromatherapy move just drives me insane. I also hate any Ghost types escorts. Which is why I only do escort missions when the reward is something of high value, such as a statue or a Joy Seed.

water types rule

Well-Known Member
I once had a Swinub that used Odor Slueth every time our team entered a room. I tried to sneak past the sleeping pokemon so Swinub wasn't in any danger, but NO! He had to "identify them", even though they weren't freak'n Ghosts!

I also had this annoying Nidoran(M) that thought it was tough and decided to take on all the Pokemn that were 10X it's level. It kept running off all the time, and needless to say, I had to stock up on Reviver Seeds after that mission.


Noah's Scapegoat
Nidoran(F) always annoy me. The buggers don't know when to run away!

Gengar was annoying in Murky Cave, but at least he wasn't Level 1. But those Shedinjas...I forgot to bring Gravelerocks with me. The Shedinjas were like murderous stone guardians.


Slaking and Vileplume are the worst pokemon to escort


Heroic Sociopath
Well, I had this mission to escort a nidoqueen, she started to walk in circles!


PokeMon Professor
The hardest to escort was Voltorb. I had to take one to 36F of Mt. Faraway, and it kept wandering off. I try to avoid escort missions in long dungeons.


Well-Known Member
The most annoying I've had was a Volbeat, it kept using Moonlight... over... and over... and over...
I recriuted a Seedot which kept using Growth yet it never attacked anybody.
It was a good thing he ran out of PP.


. . .
Weedle is really frustrating. Last week, I did an A ranked misson to take in to the 12th floor of Magma Cavern. It only died once, but lots of stronger Pokemon got close to it, making me frustrated that they were only getting close to it.

The Nido family isn't too good, either. At least they have good hit points. >_>


Shedinja is REALLY hard to escort in dungeons with lava


Well-Known Member
I don't do escort mission's unless the reward is something really good like a orange gummi or a statue but what really annoy's me is murky cave escorting gengar he think's he can take on all the ghost type's when there in a wall >_<

lol i had the same stupid problem, it took me 4-5 tries to get to 20f of murky cave


Random Title
The most annoying that I've had is Chimecho. It floating over lava and burning itself to death repeatedly and using my reviver seeds. Grrrr....


Drifblim landing!
I never have trouble on escort missions. Possibly because I use Stairs Orbs a lot though :) Gengar was pretty easy in my experiance.

The hardest I had to escort was a Mankey. The dumb thing walked ahead of me I followed it and a MONSTER HOUSE! Mankey was killed before I moved a single tile. That's the only real trouble I've had on escort missions.


<-- Geodude is ANGRY
meditite used to float onto the lava,
spoink kept on using psych up for no reason... that ticked me off, especially when he found a max elixer and used that X_X