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Most annoying Pokemon in Mystery Dungeon


LOZ:TP player
Aeryodactel is annoying and hard to spell...


ooo, what's cooking?
Aerodactyl. I made a small note whenether i go into a dungeon. I call it "AA", for "Aerodactyl Airspace". This means that Aerodactyl appear here and i shouuls try to zip thru or die trying, ba!


Queen of the Abyss
Shedinja,Gastly,Shuppet,Duskull; once they are in the wall it's like bad luck. You can get them if you have WideSlash though, like me.


Better then you
Most annoying Pokemon of all time is Shedinja. The only way to quickly defeat is to get a Super Effective hit on them. but if you can't do that then you have to hit it 5 times. Then while your doing that it will just use Leech Life to restore that same amount it just lost. Also when it's in a wall I can't do a thing. Unless I use Heat Wave or any room wide attacks.


Tails the Bouyzel
Delcatty.... Damn Attract...



Coral Eye Trainer
Parasect in Mt. Faraway. They ALWAYS use Spore. -_-

Also Politoeds in Northwind Field using Perish Song.
+ also Swalot in Murky Cave, using Toxic, which makes me die all the time. -_-
+ also Misdreavus in Murky Cave, but only because they kept making Gengar die when I was doing that mission a few weeks ago, hahaha.


ooo, what's cooking?
shedinja r no problem for me,i'm a fire type, but i also say mew. There is like a 5% or less chance it'll appear, then a 36% chance it'll join, if u lvl 100 and have friend bow, grrrr :(


In Nintendo Exhile

Get killed in Purity Forest and wish cave most of the time from its Metronome (Dragon Rage, Blast Burn, Sonic Boom, Sheer Cold, etc), so I usually have to use my strongest attacks to kill it b4 it does anything really bad.


I can steal from them with no problem, and easily pwn them (I have my Meganium eat so many powerups, it is practically a powerhouse), so getting away with it, but they never join me, and b/c I spend so much time trying to recruit one, I am always getting killed by a gust of wind.


Screech+Leech Life= Instant KO at like 200+ damage.
Delcatty, Shedinja, (they're always in walls, even with Gravelrock, they're invisble) and my number one most hated pokemon is those damn politoads. I was litterlly 3 steps away from the getting to fl. 30 in Northwind feilds when... perish song attacked. (shivers)


Well-Known Member
Electabuzz in the beginning (Squirtles my partner)