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Most annoying trainers/pokemon in the game.

I couldn't find a thread like this but if there already is one, feel free to close it.

Anyway, the title explains it all, just give your opinion on who you think is the most annoying trainer or Pokemon in the games.

In my opinion,
-Joey. "You know my Rattata? Well he's different than any other Rattata. It's like my Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattata's.."
yeah, I get it.
-Liz is pretty annoying too "oh hey Tania" wrong number gurl
-Clair for being delusional and not accepting her loss, then making me waste my freaking time in the dragon's den. I mean, c'mon girl just gimme the badge!
-And I don't know why, but Lucus annoyed the crap out of me.

Pokemon: Zubat. I freaking hate Zubat.


Gallade owns
Deep down we all hate Youngster Joey.

My least favorite Pokemon would be any of the Water/Ground combo. Eg Quagsire, Whiscash, Gastroden.


I'm not really annoyed by any trainer nor Pokemon. I'm only annoyed by the calls in the original G/S/C because it reuses the same dialogue for every trainer.


Well-Known Member
You see six Magikarp man early enough for the experience to be worthwile. Evil teams annoy me with repetitive pokemon and confusion.
Kricketune because they're hard to find yet worthless woth annoyingly long cries.
I'm not really annoyed by any trainer nor Pokemon. I'm only annoyed by the calls in the original G/S/C because it reuses the same dialogue for every trainer.

Exactly. Except for me it would be in HGSS. But I agree with that nonetheless.

In relation to this, I also hate the trainer who calls you just so say "(Name of character) hearing about you escapades rocks(?) my soul!" Or the guy(s) who calls you after you beat some gyms: "I heard, I heard, I heard! You beat the (city name) gym, didn't you?"

Also, how you sometimes can't escape from wild Pokemon battles. There probably is some reason why there made to keep you from escaping, I just can't seem to figure out what it is...


Is on the case!
Zubat, Tentacool and Geodude.

Repetetive Pokewalker Conversations.

Also I never ever saw a wild Chimecho on Ruby/Sapphire or Emerald which is also very annoying.