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most deliscious pokemon

Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day
Yoshida Amane said:
I would actually eat Ash, as he isn't a Pokemon and I wouldn't want to eat one. Plus he can be a pain.

If you did eat Ash, Misty would be lonely. :(

Yoshida Amane

SPPf's #2 Tracey Fan

Nathan Madien said:
If you did eat Ash, Misty would be lonely. :(

I'm a Gymshipper, and I hate Pokeshipping. *points to siggy*

I just couldn't eat a cute Pokemon.


Original Pokeshipper
Yoshida Amane said:
I'm a Gymshipper, and I hate Pokeshipping. *points to siggy*

I just couldn't eat a cute Pokemon.

Yet you like Misty.

Anyways..eating a Elekid would be weird. "Gets shocked"

Yoshida Amane

SPPf's #2 Tracey Fan

Well, yes, I love Misty. She is my favorite character.

I just don't approve of her being with...Ash...*pukes and ruins the nice carpet*

Brock is cooler anyway. ^o^
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Flying Tropius

Tropius because you can get more fruit from him over and over again but as meat? well...Milotic!

Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day
Flying Tropius said:
Tropius because you can get more fruit from him over and over again but as meat? well...Milotic!

(Watched a mobile home fly pass his window at 110+ mph winds during Hurricane Wilma) I could go for a Pidgey right about now.


I wonder what Onix would taste like if you cracked one of them open...