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most deliscious pokemon


Ace Trainer
Probably one of the fish pokemon. Krabby yum. Combusken ofcourse. Milktank. Where's the beef and Mareeb. Gotta have some lambchops.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Yeah, I was thinking of that. Feebas might be better. Though I'm not a fish person.


Well-Known Member
Sikes.. said:
sorry, didn't know. But then again, how was I supposed to?

By looking --;

Anyway, I'd eat something with Chicken or Bacon
*ravenously stares at Torchic and Grumpig*
Even though I wouldn't eat a pokemon


Absolkid said:
By looking --;

Anyway, I'd eat something with Chicken or Bacon
*ravenously stares at Torchic and Grumpig*
Even though I wouldn't eat a pokemon

Man, this thread is making me hungry.
Anyay, ah.... yeah- I did look all the way back to the threads that were started ages ago or that no one was posting in. Couldn't find one. So I thought, Why not?

Miss Priss

I'm a vegetarian, so I wouldn't eat a Pokemon, but I would probably just eat the fruit off a Tropius and the milk from a Miltank.

Cyndaquil's No.1 Fan

I think fried Combusken is the best food. You dont even have to fry a Combusken to get it since its body is already fired up.


The Original Shiny Pokemon
I find it humorish that you added Satoshi to that list... ~sweatdrop~

I wouldn't eat any of them either... I dunno... It's just sortive odd if I had to pick... o_O

I believe in the show Magikarp was the only one referenced to food as well... Both on the raft after Saint Anne sunk and the episode where all the kids were hypnotised as well as the pokemon... =S


Insert Title Here
Feebas. I like fish, plus, it would be my ultimate revenge on it for taking away at least a week of my life.


For me, I craving a seafood feast:

I would start with a creamy Shellder Chowder.

Main course would be a Krabby with a lemon butter sauce with a baked potato side.

Then for dessert nothing pokemon related, just some ice cream and cake.

In my dreams anyway, all of the above has got to be expensive.


Enflamed to the end
if i ever had to eat a pokemon id eat ditto because id ask it to transform into a hamburger or something


Farfetch'd owns when served with leek. -_-
enflamedsteelix said:
if i ever had to eat a pokemon id eat ditto because id ask it to transform into a hamburger or something
Hmm...that's an idea. Ask it to turn into a buffet. ;)


I would be a vegetarian in the pokemon world...So none of them...