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most deliscious pokemon

Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day
If Pokemon were food, I would be a vegetarian.


That's a bit of a cop-out, but does that eliminate the fruit of Tropius? It wouldn't hurt him/her.


one love
Blaziken, Grumpig, and Magikarp seems the tastiest to me. Miltank gets an honorable mention as well.


*Snooty French accent* Madame, we shall start you with Squirtle soup, cream of Shellder, and legs of Politoed. Then we shall move on to our main dish, a Spoink with an apple in its mouth...

F-Zero Addict


N E ways (do I say that too much?)
I'll have crispy Combusken legs, Grumpig bacon, and an Exeggutor coconut. As a side dish I'll have Kingler legs and an Oddish Salad, un-poisoned, please.
Yummy! And for dessert I think I'll have Ditto taffy.
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if i had to eat some pokemon i would eat the following

miltank= hamburgers and milk
touros = hamburgers
grumpig = pork, bacon, sausages, chops and my favourite black pudding
execute = eggs
executor = coconut and coconut milk
torchic/ combusken = chicken
pidgy = pidgeon
farfetched= bird again
dodou/dodrio= mm turkey
mareep= lamb chops
pikachu= mouse (if i was deserate)

lol i think i found enough top eat if there was only pokemon and no animals dont you think!!

Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day
Amadeus said:
That's a bit of a cop-out, but does that eliminate the fruit of Tropius? It wouldn't hurt him/her.

Let me be more precise. If I had to kill the Pokemon to eat it, I would rather go hungry. However in the case of Tropius and Miltank, they can feed me and breathe at the same time. I wouldn't mind that.


it is slowpoke tails because i think it was yellow version team rocket liked slowpoke tails


Original Pokeshipper
Hothead said:
it is slowpoke tails because i think it was yellow version team rocket liked slowpoke tails

I dont think they liked it, they only wanted to sell it for a larger price.-_- But you never know.

Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day
Sikes.. said:
MAgicarp eyeballs, grumpig testicle....all delicacies..

Personally, I draw the line at Grumpig testicles...or any testicles for that matter. :eek:


Original Pokeshipper
Nathan Madien said:
Personally, I draw the line at Grumpig testicles...or any testicles for that matter. :eek:

Me too -__-, thats just plain wrong dude! This is better: Grumpig nose, heart, foot, and tail. :D