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most deliscious pokemon


Original Pokeshipper
Sikes.. said:
seriously, people DO eat pig's testicles.......true!

Duh! I know! Mainly because in Japan where I live I see people do it all the time! :D Plus eat pig heart, foot, snout etc.
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Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day
kukkyou_ooraka said:
Duh! I know! Mainly because in Japan where I live I see people do it all the time! :D Plus eat pig heart, foot, snout etc.

I don't doubt that. I mean, back in the days of the Wild West, Native Americans would use the entire buffalo for food, clothing, tools, and even shelter. It's all about not wasting anything. :cool:



You could have a pizza with grumpig, paras mushrooms and remoraid with miltank cheese and oddish herbs- to go!

Pikachu Fan Number Nine

Don't Mess wit Texas
Nathan Madien said:
If Pokemon were food, I would be a vegetarian.

I agree, in fact, we should see some Pokemon rights activist groups standing against any harm done to Pokemon-Like PETP (p-tip), People for the Ethical Treatment of Pokemon, and a similar one called PETAP, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal-like Pokemon (I hope you approve of this, people)

Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day


Well-Known Member
What would I eat? Lets see, Grumpig looked kinda good but the purple on it may lead me to believe it has a disease. Id gladly eat a roasted Gyrados even though I hate Sea Food. Id eat a Mareep also.


Gyrados! We havn't had that one yet! What about Mr. Mime? Or would that be too wierd?....


Well-Known Member
Nah, PETA sucks. Maybe like, DEOF (Don't Eat Our Friends) or ETOPP (Ethical Treatment of Pokémon by People)

Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day
Sikes.. said:
Gyrados! We havn't had that one yet! What about Mr. Mime? Or would that be too wierd?....

Gyrados...I think I know why we haven't had that one yet.
Picture it: You walk up to a Gyrados, this huge Pokemon, thinking you're going to eat it. Gyrados, who has no reason to be intimidated by you, uses a Hyper Beam to scare you away. Nah, I'll pass on Gyrados. :p


hEY, i JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING, EVER WONDRED WHAT A POKEMON LOOKS LIKE wHile it's evolving? Like in between magicarp and Gyrados for instance- like, in the games and anime, they just start glowing and you see the shape changing but not what they look like, so, what do you think?

And if a pokemon died while it was evolving , like half way through- what would it look like after it finished glowing?


Original Pokeshipper
And if a pokemon died while it was evolving , like half way through- what would it look like after it finished glowing?[/QUOTE]

Ummmmm...possibly deformed or down right dead? I cant answer that one too well. :b

Nathan Madien

Me on a Good Day
Sikes.. said:
Deformed sounds better- let's make one!

Let's make a deformed Jigglypuff! ;039;


yes, I'm not good with art, though- does anyone know how to make one?


be open minded, they could all taste great for all you know....except porygon (computer code- yuck!)


Original Pokeshipper
Sikes.. said:
be open minded, they could all taste great for all you know....except porygon (computer code- yuck!)

"Singing to himself" Why in the hell! I this thread still alive?! This is getting boring, please make a nother topic!!