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Most FAVORITE Pokemon

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Diagura Is The Best
Please post your favorite pokemon <also if it is a legendary make sure you really like it> and post a little Smilie of it and a breif explanation of why(Pick1)

-Mine is Machamp because he can take a hit or two and still stay strong and his four arms are the coolest, I mean come on would you fight him??


Main screen turn on!
Blaziken! It was my original starter when R/S first came out, and has supported me ever since. Even though I lost my original Sapphire version, I still have the offspring of my Blaziken on my current games.


There is a Stickie like this


;431; ;rukario; and ;060; !


Well-Known Member

Oh, like I was going to say any other. Sneasel has been my favourite Pokemon now for nearly six years... truly obsessed with the Sharp Claw. *pats her army of them*


Well-Known Member
Deoxys will rule! He was my inspiration for buying pokemon games.... I love the little alien!......
Sunkern, dammit.


Well-Known Member
Politoed and Houndoom. I just like them for what they are.


Sneasel Master
Sneasel is obviously my favourite Pokemon. I like it because of the way it looks. I also like Mew, because of her looks and the fact that she can learn any move in the game.


Lazy Summer
my #1 tied faves will always be ;001; & ;025;

i have many more favs though
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