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Most intense battle

Haruka/Shuu GF


Well-Known Member
Evil Satoshi vs Jindai rox my sox! :D


Contaminated KFC
Any major battle animated by Masaki Iwane. And yes, this DOES include Jessie vs. Seviper.

Though to be more specific, it would be Tucker vs. Ash and Haruka vs. Shuu in the Kanto Grande Festibal. Runners up include Heracross vs. Scizor, Pretty much all of Kaede's matches and Pikachu vs. Taillow, oddly enough.


Drew vs. May (Kanto Grand Festival)
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Probably May against that guy in the contest who had the Venusaur with Frenzy Plant and was a bussinessman(sp).
Here are the battles that I thought was intense:

May vs. rivals in the Hoenn GF
May vs. her rivals in the Kanto GF
May vs. Ash (Blaziken vs. Sceptile)
Munchlax vs. Octilery
Beautifly and Combusken vs. Roselia and Butterfree
Eevee vs. Marshtomp
Pikachu vs. Regice
Pikachu vs. Mirage Mewtwo
Sceptile vs. Regirock
Sceptile vs. Claydol
Donphan vs. Seviper
Donphan w/Steelix vs. Charizard and Aggron
Swellow vs. Swellow
Swellow vs. mecha Fearow
Corphish vs. half of Morrison's team
Corphish and Swellow vs. Tucker's team
Torkoal vs. the steel valley pokemon
Torkoal vs. Registeel
Charizard vs. Articuno
Bulbasaur vs. Meganium
Bulbasaur vs. Dusclops
Squirtle vs. Quilava


Yeah, ok!
and Haruka vs. Shuu in the Kanto Grande Festibal.

:D Watch some n00b accuse PUSA of spelling mistakes when that episode is dubbed, unless by some miracle they fix the error of those wacky Japanese.

And yeah, Ash Vs. Katie rocked. Especially the Grovyle Vs. Walerin part.

Most of May's Contest battles against Drew were pretty intense, too bad she lost all of them except for one.