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Most random place you found a card?

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Washu's Lover
Did anyone find any cards in a weird place?

I found a R.E.D.D (Red Eyes Darkness Dragon) On the floor at walmart.
I found a Blue Eyes on the floor at Toys R' us.
A secret rare tin Gearfried at Wal-Mart, a rare Cross Counter behind Star Wars toys and Scapegoat in the middle of the sidewalk


i find a lot of piles of commons people leave behind.

my mate found a blue eyes ultimate dragon on the floor at last years pharoah tour finals

Hoshi no Kabii

Well-Known Member
I once found a pack of YGO Soul of the Duelist cards on the floor in a ToysRus parking lot. I opened it, and it had an ultimate rare Ojama King inside =D.


Torterra Firma
I found a SHINY FLAREON card on the floor at my school, back when Pokemon was 'popular'.


TCG Trainer
I also found 4 ripped up DP2 cards (V-Tiger Jet, Ojama Delta Hurricane, Chthonian Blast, and Ojama King) on the sidewalk outside of the elementary school :( However, the rare card of the 5 was missing...
Oh, I forgot the mention I found a whole pack of RDS near Toysrus with the rare still in there. It was a Machine Duplication.


Torterra Firma
Some kid once threw around random MTG cards...

Only he ripped up Zephyr Spirits and threw them...

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
I found a large Pokemon box topper card on the floor at Toys R us, they let me keep it.

I found Yugioh cards in a CD Shop

I found Pokemon cards in my local post office a few years ago...... Base set 2 packs for 30p each..what was Lesley(sp?) thinking? but meh, my mum brought all their stock ^_^


Torterra Firma

Damn. Oh, I got a Strands of Undeath MTG card for free!


Well-Known Member
I was buying packs and the guy give me a open pack and in it was a Goblin Elite Attack Force (Super rare).


I found a Shrink YGO card in a hard plastic, on the ground, outside of my "local" card store. I was like ''WTF'', but then as I went to pick it up, my bois came bout and started to hold me back.

Of course, the Shrink belonged to my friend Akiem, but still; it was a great laugh. :)


Better then you
A few years ago I found a Typhlosion pokemon card at Walmart. And a couple weeks ago I found a Thousand Eyes Restrict on the ground outside of Walmart. You can imagine how good I felt.(not to good) But I traded it for something else.
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