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Mountain Time! (174)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Mountain Time!

Heading by a Mountain, Ash & Co. see a Ledian that is trying to fly against the currents. It turns out he has to fly to the top of the mountain each day. Can it learn how to do this?

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So hot he's on fire.

*sits there drooling for about an hour*

Oh, um....Benji was hot. And the TR thing with the rock was classic. XD

Stupid Wobbuffet. But it's so cute. XD

Factory Head Noland

Phantom Busgy most of your posts are about hot people, lol!!

I didn't really like episode, the only thing I liked was when the Pokemon and Team Rocket were on the see-saw rock and Wobbuffet popped up...funny as!


Team Awesome
Okay, it was pointed out I was talking about the wrong episode, so I'll give a correct review. Sorry about that. I should have read the opening description to refresh myself. :p Honest, I've watched the episode, I swear.

Anyway, this was a pretty interesting episode. It's too bad that things still ended bad for Team Rocket, but they still had some great moments. Victreebell had some great moments, especially when everyone dove for James's candy, and when the dust cleared, Victreebell was on James's head as usual. :D I also like when the camera pans across Team Rocket and Victreebell, and they're all wearing the same resigned expression. LOL I also love when Jessie pulls on Wobbuffet's face and he burps (at least according to the closed captioning). :D It was great that Togepi saved everyone from certain death too, and they had no idea what happened. :D
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Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I liked that scene with the rock, too. I'm actually watching this episode air on Kids WB as I'm typing this, but now I've noticed that the same person doing Benji's vocie must be the same person doing Max's voice!

EDIT: You can tell this especially when Benji says, "Ledian, help pull everybody up!"

EDIT 2: And wobbanut, you're talking about the wrong episode.
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Well-Known Member
this was a pretty good episode. ledian was entertaining and it was good to see a strong bug type pokemon. 8.7/10
This one isn't bad, is it great either;), but good enough with at least a Ledian


Well-Known Member
A nice exciting filler I enjoyed it. seeing Ledian in action was very nice, and I got plenty of laughs out of Pikachu, Togepi, and TR up on the balancing rock.


Well-Known Member
Eugh, Benji. Short shorts, dodgy hair, HEADBAND. And really bad dub voice. God I hate him!
However, Jessie's rant about failure made me grin and James' response that she was ruining the fabric was just great 8D. But what on Earth was going on in Benji's head... TR steal two pokemon in front of him and then he says oh not they might get hurt. Erm, whut? IS he blind or something. And why couldn't they use Onix to get through that landslide...

And LOL 'Noctowl hasn't had the same intensive training Ledian has.' Brock's right there, I don't think it's had any!

Maybe this episode was pretty bad after all...

Although I liked Ledian :)


it wasn't one of the best episodes but at least it was with a ledian, they make a funny sound if you ask me:p


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought Ledian was a really cool pokemon. I got a lot of laughs during the parts where Team Rocket, Togepi, and Pikachu were balancing on the rock. I am glad Benji and his Ledian were able to help, and I also glad he was promoted to officer.


Well-Known Member
I remember this episode. I really liked the scene with the see-saw rock with the Pokemon and Team Rocket. It was pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
I remember this episode about 7 years ago. I enjoyed it. I did find Benji to be interesting. And the scene with the rock was also fun to watch. This episode sure teaches viewers about dangerous rocky paths.


Ledian was so strong, i loved to see it.
And when TR and Pikachu were standing on the big stone it was very funny....