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Move Deleter help


In emerald I have a Gyarados that have Surf and i want to forget it. But when I go to the move deleter he says: "Hm, your Gyarados doesn't seem willing to forget surf". Do anyone know what the problem is? Please answer.


Torterra Firma
Meanwhile, I can forget cut, though none of my other pokemon know it?


Torterra Firma
Sweet. I hate Cut. Cut =/= Uber Haxxors.
^pokemon like to help trainers with needed hm's, so some pokemon don't want to forget them, but, why deleat surf- it's the best water move in the game

top 8 guy

What if you have a crap move, your in a cave, too lzay to go out and start again, so you delete the crap move teach it the hm, when done delete the hm and let it learn a new move/heart scale?


Torterra Firma
^ Then put surf on a new pokemon, say Marill. They're deadly common.