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Move ideas

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Queen of Charizards!
Okay since i do not have Diamond yet (waiting till it comes out here in America) I'm still trying to decide what new moves i should get my team from Emerald once they are transfered to Diamond. I will give you the moves I'm planning on keeping for them

I will say this in big letter. SORRY THAT THEY HAVE METRONOME AND AND SOME OTHER MOVES THEY CANNOT HAVE!! IT WAS AN EGG CODE I MADE SO DON"T YELL AT ME. Hope this will help those to know I CHEAT OKAY I CHEAT. But please still help me

Swampert (lv 100)
Moves: Metronome, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Ice Beam
Attack: 281 Special Attack: 231

Charizard (lv 100)
Moves: Fly, Metronome, Iron Tail, Heat Wave
Attack: 229 Special Attack: 264

Blaziken (LV 100)
Moves: Metronome, Earthquake, Sky Uppercut, Flamethrower
Attack: 301, Special attack: 270

Gyarados (Lv 90)
Moves:Earthquake, Metronome, Crunch, Surf
Attack: 262 Sp. Attack: 163

Sceptile (level 100)
Moves: Iron Tail, Metronome, Solarbeam, Giga Drain
Attack: 227, Special Attack: 265

Mightyena (lv 90)
Moves: Assist, Metronome, Return, Crunch
Attack: 212, Sp. Attack: 160

Raichu (lv 100)
Moves: Volt Tackle, Thunderbolt, Iron Tail, Metronome
Attack: 240. Sp. Defense: 241

Venusaur (lv 90)
Moves: Earthquake, Metronome, Sludge Bomb, Solarbeam
Attack: 203, Sp. Attack: 235
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Queen of Charizards!
Please don't ignore me. I really need your help. I'm sorry that i cheat but i can't help it.


Queen of Charizards!
I've been in there but everyone gets mad when i tell them i cheated. I chosed this place to post.

Dj Travis

Well-Known Member
How about if I asked them? It would be like I want the moveset for my pokemon. I'll keep the Cheatmoves hidden and you can pick the moves you like, then.
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Dj Travis

Well-Known Member
No Problem, eh, just one question. How come you've given all 6 of them a hardy nature? 'cus I don't know the difference from nature to nature. I just catch them and train them, so.


Swords Dance
Blaze Kick
Shadow Claw/Blade Test
From UU King.

-Flamethrower/Fire Punch/Blaze Kick
-Brick Break/Sky Uppercut
@Concentration Band
From Bryon.
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Queen of Charizards!
with the egg code, i was able to pick the nature of my pokemon. the program I downloaded was called Ciro's Pokemon Maker.

Okay I got it, So Earthquake and Blade Test are the moves I'm going to give Blaziken.


Queen of Charizards!
Check out the natures page in Ruby and Sapphire on teh site. Hope it helps.

Dj Travis

Well-Known Member
It says it doesn't increase nor decrease your stats, just like Bashful, Docile and Quirky. Wow, that pretty neat.

It might take some while, I asked for Swampert & Sceptile 40 Min. Ago and there's nobody online.
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Queen of Charizards!
Yep thats why i chose it. I might use the other ones too

Dj Travis

Well-Known Member

Sunny Day
Dragon Pulse
HP: Ground

Sunnybeamer. Dragon Pulse is for a good all-aroun attack and HP for Fire and annoying Steel types.


Arm Hammer
Snow Slide/HP: Flying

Curse then sweep. The last slot is of your choice against grass types.
From UU King.


Queen of Charizards!
For sceptile, I will do Dragon Pulse and Solar Beam. Just remember I'm keeping two moves, and Metronome is one.

For swampert, Earthquake and Snow Slide are my picks.


Sceptile @ Lefties
Trait: Overgrow
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Energy Ball
- Dragon Pulse/Hidden power [Ice]
Leaf Blade sucks on Sceppy now, unless you are running a novelty physical set


Queen of Charizards!
you know i just want two moves. I'm keeping Metronome and another move

Dj Travis

Well-Known Member
Ok, for gardevoir, I'd say Shadow Ball and Energy Ball.
Raichu: Thunderbolt, definitely Thunderbolt.
Charizard: Heat Wave?
Mightyena: One of those three new fangs.
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