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Move set for mew

char char

Professional Shut-In
I need a good move set for my mew
Current move set
mega punch

I need a good moveset and i'm not getting rid of psychic



Belongs in the In-game RMT forum.

Telling us the Nature would be nice.

Mew @Leftovers
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to RMT.



Belongs in the In-game RMT forum.

Telling us the Nature would be nice.

Mew @Leftovers
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind

Just watch out for Houndoom!:p
And don't give me that Switch crap again, bird boy.
Spiking Skarmory is so OU that it's not even funny. :[

char char

Professional Shut-In
Just watch out for Houndoom!:p
And don't give me that Switch crap again, bird boy.
Spiking Skarmory is so OU that it's not even funny. :[

i don't get the bird boy part on the other hand if i get rid of transform can i get it back??


bird boy...aragornbird...get it? =/

But Transform sucks, even on such a versatile Pokemon as Mew. Go with aragornbird's set. Thunderbolt could go over Softboiled if you want. And here's a physical one:

Mew @ Leftovers
- Swords Dance
- Brick Break/Focus Punch
- Shadow Ball
- Explosion/Rock Slide