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Movements and Actions


Fog Trainer
I was just wondering. Now that the Pokemon can physically hit each other, will they use different movements and actions to summon their attacks?

Like if a Drowzee used Metronome, will it wave its fingers? If a Breloom use Mach Punch, will it rush to the enemy and slug it or shoot one big fist like in the anime? I'm just asking.
Well, they did this in the previous games anyways, they just did not physically hit each other. In the Stadium games, each Poke had many different animations and they even had animations for attacks they could not learn (probably because of mimic or because of cheaters). In the 3rd gen. games they took out most of the animations and only left a few and every Poke used the same animation for about 50 different attacks. I did not like this, because things would use a punching move, but appear to be moving their tails, or they should be charging up for a Solarbeam but instead they look like they are using Double-edge.

I do hope it goes back to the way it was in the Stadium games where every Poke has only 1 or 2 attacks for every animation (of course, this does mean more animations but thats a good thing).

Paradise Sky

I don't know, but sure hope so. That'd be awesome. *thinks back to time when a poké used Metronome, and a floaty hand appeared.*
I don't know, but sure hope so. That'd be awesome. *thinks back to time when a poké used Metronome, and a floaty hand appeared.*

That didnt happen in the 3D games though. Did it? It was just in GSC. In RBY, and the 3D games, there is no animation for Metronome (just the text and then the Pokemon does the attack it gets). Then again, in Stadium 2 there were the "floaty hands" for Encore and Belly Drum *hopes they return*.


hello any body listen I asked a question wen is battle revolution commin out in U S


Final Fantasy Fan
I hope the attack animations are more complex. Since this an actual Stadium game and not an RPG, it's possible.