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Moves in the daycare


electabuzz rules
Hey all,

I was just wondering when you train a pokemon in the daycare does it learn moves,

I think I left left afew pokes in the Daycare and when they came out they had a different move set,

can anyone please tell me how it works

Flaming Mirage

Saint of Darkness
lets say you have a gyarados at day care
at it has just 1 level left to learn rain dance
while its on day care, and goes up that level, the moves goes up.
the first move is erased, the second moves to first, the third moves to second, the fourth moves to third, and the new move becomes fourth.
thats why if you are gonna left somebody at daycare, make the worst move be first. or check in Spp dex at which level does it learns the move, to be warned.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hey all,

I was just wondering when you train a pokemon in the daycare does it learn moves,

I think I left left afew pokes in the Daycare and when they came out they had a different move set,

can anyone please tell me how it works

Yes, when you leave a pokemon in the daycare, it will learn ANY move it tries to learn when it levels up.

For example, let's say you have a lv.39 Gyarados with these moves:
Dragon rage
Hyper beam

Then, you put it in the Daycare Center and walk around for a while. When you go back to take it out, say it's grown a level, and is at level forty.
Now, you look at its moves and now its moveset is this:

Dragon rage
Hyper beam
Hydro pump

^So you see that tackle is no longer, and now hydro pump is there.
This is because Gyarados learns hydo pump at level forty, and since pokemon in the daycare learn ANY level-up move when they reach a certain level, tackle got bumped off the list, and hydro pump was added on.

So with your pokemon, they had a different moveset because when they levelled up in the daycare, they learned moves they would learn via level up, and so their first listed move got deleted to make room for the new move.
If you want to put pokemon in the daycare, it's better to do it when their at a higher level or if you don't mind loosing their moves, since they'll learn moves when they level up, some of which you may not want. (And the move listed first will ALWAYS be the one deleted, unless your pokemon has less than four moves)

I hope this helps and is clear enough... I can never explain things very well. ;/

EDIT: I got beaten. >_>
