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moves w/ dual types???


Natsu no Maboroshi
Hmmm, maybe. But it'd make the game a little bit easy, since your attacks are effective on various pokes. Also, it'd be a little bit confusing for newbies, IMO. But the idea is very clever.


Real-life Gothorita
That is a nice idea.. although having raindance as water/psychic would make no difference... rain doesn't affect psychic ^^


<- Best DP Legendary
Muddy Water being Water AND Ground almost makes sense... but none of the others do.

Why would Overheat be Fighting?? The whole point of the attack is superheating your body and running/slamming into the other Pokémon; it's the heat that does the damage.

Why would Shadow Punch be Fighting--not all Punches are Fighting-type attacks (Mega Punch, for example). And Rain Dance being Psychic makes no sense...

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Posted by Xobuttsubuso:

Muddy Water being Water AND Ground almost makes sense... but none of the others do.

Why would Overheat be Fighting?? The whole point of the attack is superheating your body and running/slamming into the other Pokémon; it's the heat that does the damage.

Why would Shadow Punch be Fighting--not all Punches are Fighting-type attacks (Mega Punch, for example). And Rain Dance being Psychic makes no sense...

I completely agree with this. I see no logic behind any of those double-type attacks except for Muddy Water.

And anyway, double-typing attacks would just be confusing and add uneeded complexity to the game. So, yes, it would be cool, but no thanks.


The new tuxedo look!
Nice idea, but how exactly would that effect resistances and weaknesses, and swampert would become rather OOber. (thinks about 180 base power move) O o O


It'd screw up the metagame. It's possible, but not probable.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I've always thought about how this could work, but IMO it would just make the game more complicated and annoying. Single type moves and double type Pokémon works just fine.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Seriously, no.
It would mess things up totally.


Queen of Charizards!
I guess that os a good idea, so like if a move that is both water/ground hits a grass pokemon, it does very little damage
Meh, it could work. I mean, why not?
That's a slippery slope. First there's double type attacks, then triple type Pokemon, then fourth stages, then Light, Magic, Wind, and Culinary types.
Do you honestly want that?
Do ya?


Well-Known Member
Why not! Lets go to the extreme and make a Pokemon will all 17 types who can learn a move that's of all 17 types too! OMG YAY.


Leave the moves as they are. In ten years people have not complained about moves not being a dual type, so why chance a perfectly good thing.


The King of Karp
He's saying if that were to happen, it'd probably lead to all of that crap happening.

Though I am looking forward to new culinary type pokemon. ;107;


Powerplay Champion
i dunno
they'll eventually introduce more types of pokemon, but as for making it even more complex...
i dunno
it's a game that IS aimed for kids.