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Moveset for Aggron!


Torterra Firma
Need some help with making a moveset. I have a shiny, lvl. 40 Lairon, and when it evolves, I want to have a great moveset ready. Any suggestions? Oh, using it for Battle Frontier LVL. 50 challenge. Sassy nature, Sturdy as ability.


Torterra Firma
rock slide
dodle edge
iron tail

works great

Yes, but if you had BOTHERED to read the first post, I said I want to use my Shiny Lairon in the BF, It has the Sturdy ability, and it is a Sassy nature, which raises Sp. Def and lowers Speed. So when it evolves, I'll leave you off the DP trade list. And what's dodle edge?


Torterra Firma
This works great for your lairon, if you wnt to use it in lv 50 then return over doble edge, or you can use a move tutor

I wanted TM answers, not moves that I have no damn idea on how to get.


Pyro Trainer
Emerald Master gave you the same moveset that I would have given you. I wouldn't have thought of brick break as a different move, but it's still a good setup.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to RMT.


Torterra Firma
I don't know.

I was thinking of Water Pulse and Thunder, or a Bolt-Beam-esque combo.

I also am thinking of a false-swiper, Shadow-balling Shedinja. Which means I need one last team member.


Why use Double Edge without Rock Head? Never give Aggron ANY special moves! He is not to be used as a special sweeper at all.


-Rock Slide
-Brick Break
-Metal Claw?

Not sure about the last move


Torterra Firma
Dodle Edge. lol.

Try this:
Aerial Ace
Rock Slide
Iron Tail

works for me.


Alright. Iron Tail is free, I'll clone the EQ and AA TM's...

I'll Battle Factory for the FP for the MT for EQ. ABBV is fun!


Well-Known Member
Why use Double Edge without Rock Head? Never give Aggron ANY special moves! He is not to be used as a special sweeper at all.

Actually, Ice Beam is used in the UU metagame to counter Gligar.

But for the BF:

Rock Slide
Aerial Ace
Thunder Wave (useful since it's slow)



If you’re using the Aggron with 4 physical attack moves, give it a Choice Band. It’ll really help out seeing as your Lairon doesn’t have a +Atk nature.
Leftovers for the Thunder Wave set.

Congrats on the shinty btw.


Torterra Firma

Got an average moveset.

Iron Tail
Shock Wave (As a last-ditch effort)
Brick Break

WITH Leftovers. Heh? I'm thinking Shell Bell, simply because of Shock Wave.

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
No Shock Wave on Aggron...its other moves will probably do more damage, even if Shock Wave would be Super Effective.... Also, where's the STAB Rock Slide?

I say go for the set you had earlier that aragornbird suggested a Choice Band for.


Torterra Firma
I am impatient, I'll get Rock Slide once I've enough battle points.


fear the elements!!!
go to a hiker in a house by the batle pyramid and talk to him
(you must have 3 medals)and you can easier get batlle points