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moveset help


Avada kedavra
hey guys,
please , could you show me movesets to
shiftry , tropius, cacturne, ludicolo, mightyena...


wut about this?


faint attack
sunny day
explosion/synthesis/toxic/leech seed
Here's one for Ludicolo
Ability:Rain Dish@Leftovers
Leech Seed
Rain Dance

Can't think of he others right now


I won't give up!
Shiftry @ Leftovers
Mild nature
- Explosion
- Sunnu Day
- Solarbeam
- HP Fire / Brick Break

Cacturne @ Leftovers
Lonely nature ?
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Thunderpunch

Tropius @ Leftovers / Petaya Berry
Modest nature
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- HP Fire ( for Skarmory ) / Ice ( don't try to take down a Salamence though )
- Synthesis

Ludicolo @ Leftovers
Bold nature
Trait : Rain Dish
- Rain Dance
- Surf
- Leech Seed
- Ice Beam / Toxic / Giga Drain

Mightyena @ Choice band
Adamant nature
- Body Slam / Return / Double Edge
- Iron Tail
- Poison Fang
- Shadow Ball