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moveset question

in the serebii pokedex, there are moves with little dashes next to the name, such as with raichu, a pokemon that doesn't learn new moves after it evolves (and back in Red and Blue, if raichu was caught in the wild that was the moveset it was caught with). what about pokemon that do learn other moves, how do they learn these dashed out ones? are they just in the list of know able moves, learnable with heart scales?


Well-Known Member
Your mum!

Onto a serious note what the hell are you talkin about


I presume you are talking about moves such as Medicham's Fire, Ice and Thunder Punch. These are learnable only through Heart Scale in R/S/E and Tiny/Big Mushrooms in Fr/Lg. It's the same if you encounter a high level Pokemon that has forgotten a previous move.


Well-Known Member
Ohh that. I had no clue when he said crossed out moves. Yea u gotta make your pokemon remember those moves


<Pikachu got Owned!
Moves with a dash next to them.

Aren't they default moves that the pokemon will know when you capture it, but depending on the level which 4 (or 3,2 or 1) you'll get.