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Master S

does anyone have any suggestions about what moves should my team have in my yellow version?

The Team Are:

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breathe, spit, walk
Pikachu: Thunderbolt/thunder wave/surf (through stadium)/submission, evolve into raichu

Butterfree: Sleep Powder/Stun Spore/Psychic/Mega Drain

Alakazam: Psychic/Recover/Thunder Wave/Seismic Toss

Pidgeot: Double-edge/Mirror Move/Fly/filler (I usually use agility)

Venusaur: Sleep Powder/Swords Dance/Razor Leaf/Body Slam

Charizard: Fire Blast/Earthquake/Swords Dance/Body Slam (slash somewhere is an option)

Blastoise: Surf/Blizzard/Body Slam/Seismic Toss

are my preferred sets.

there's always a moveset guide for reference.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
They are pretty much the standard sets for the given pokemon anyway. I'd go for Substitute on Pidgeot. Earthquake on Blastoise if you have it spare.


breathe, spit, walk
RaZoR LeAf said:
They are pretty much the standard sets for the given pokemon anyway. I'd go for Substitute on Pidgeot. Earthquake on Blastoise if you have it spare.

I don't think substitute does anything worthwile on the carts, certainly doesn't on NB. It only blocks poison iirc.

and yes these are pretty standard sets, I think I memorized a standard set for just about every Pokemon in RBY. ._.