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Movie 2 Promo Book?


Storm Trainer
Does anyone know where one can find a translated version or summary of the promotion book given out with the release of Movie 2 in Japan? The one that this picture came from?


So hot he's on fire.
I think I have a movie two book that has that picture innit. :0 Dunno where it is though.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
As I said on Bulbagarden, that picture isn't in the program book. But it's still awfully sexy.

There *is* a translation of the program book available through a stay at US Comfort Inns. You may be able to get ahold of someone at their offices to see if they have any overstock, but I doubt it since that was 6 years ago.
Even if it is translated that was years ago. Its basically his life story. His mother died and how he became a collector. If your so interested you can go to the fanfic section and theres this fanfic called obsession. Its abput Lawrence the thirds life.