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Mt. Battle Johto starters. (IV question)


Kecleon Inc.
Hi I was wondering if anyone knows if the Johto Starters you get from Mount Battle have Max IV's.?

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
They possibly can.. Just like any other Pokemon, right?


Kecleon Inc.
hmm that wasnt what I was asking though, I was more along the lines of asking due they always come with Max IV's?
Sorry if it was harder to understand that.


Kecleon Inc.
It should be in the Pokemon XD forum but I was lazy>.>


<--will be mine
Random...my Totodile had 5 in defense, and 30 in attack...

Just like all others.


Kecleon Inc.
Thanks, it was because my friend apparently got 31 IVs in all the stats on the chikorita from Mt.Battle.


Well-Known Member
Then that means he's have a hacked Chikorita or he's extremely lucky....