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Mt. Battle starters- soem sites saying different things...?

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Jade Star Trainer
When you complete the Mt. Battle challenge, and don't leave, do you automatically recieve a starter at the end, or do you have to go somewhere to retrieve it? And can you never check you PC box???? Some sites are stating
"Get the Three Johto Starters.
To get the three Johto starters, you have to beat the 100 trainer Mt. Battle Challenge. When you do beat it, you get to pick ONE of the three Johto Starters. To get another you have to beat the 100 trainer Mt. Battle Challenge all over again. You have to beat it three times to get all three starters. It's worth it though, because they get the elemental hyper beams, frenzy plant, blast burn, and hydro cannon, which they can't get any other way but this.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Chikorita w/ frenzy plant Beat 100 trainer Mt. Battle Challenge
Cyndaquil w/ blast burn Beat 100 trainer Mt. Battle Challenge
Totodile w/ hydro cannon Beat 100 trainer Mt. Battle Challenge "

And serebii says you cannot check your PC druing this??? Which one is it?

Has anyone completed the Challenge, got a starter and along the way, checked their PC?

Thank You!

I just have to get this cleared up

And do you have to catch every single shadow poke, before getting a starter?
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XD002 Icemewtwo

Both you need to complete the whole thing in one sitting without leaving or changing your team
and no you don't!


Jade Star Trainer
Icemewtwo said:
Both you need to complete the whole thing in one sitting without leaving or changing your team
and no you don't!

Thank You!!

XD002 Icemewtwo

Ah it was nothing I almost got one once but I gave up!


You can change the order of your team, but you can't change the Pokemon in it via the PC. That's what Icemewtwo meant to say. Yeah, you already know that you can't leave.

Villain Celibi

Boulder Trainer
I'm seeing that you can't leave, but you can save and then come back to it, right?
Villain Celibi said:
I'm seeing that you can't leave, but you can save and then come back to it, right?

The 8th Champion


Better then you
Villain Celibi said:
I'm seeing that you can't leave, but you can save and then come back to it, right?
Well you could save and turn off the game and when you are ready get back to playing it. I got a Totodile by doing this.
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