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Mt. Battle XD Vs Colo


Well-Known Member
An Important thing to note is that i played XD first. And compared to Colosseum, Mt.Battle in XD seemed way harder. I just 'unlocked' Mt.battle in Colo and i'm on a 90 win streak. What are your thoughts? Which Mt.Battle did you like better? which was easier or funest for you?

Oh and on a fun side note, Do think it's possible for me to make it the Last 10 battles? Here's my team, and i never used the PC for switching, what you see is what i have.

Entei - lvl 60 - Sassy - Flamethrower, Stomp, Bite, Fire Blast

Typhlosion - lvl 56 - Modest - Charcoal - Sunny Day, Swift, Dig, Flame Wheel

Misdreavus - lvl 57 - Quirky - Spell Tag - Psybeam, Confuse ray, Perish Song, Shadowball

Noctowl - lvl 38 - Sassy - Steel Wing, Hypnosis, Take Down, Fly

Qwilfish - lvl 38 - Calm - Poison Barb - Pin Missile, Take Down, Posion Sting, Surf

and feel free to place your 'bets' for what round you thing i'll bite the dust in. lol


Active Member
;munchlax; ;munchlax; i don't think you can make it as your tanks are all fire. You need some beter pokes as the others are too weak. Plus, XD is harder as the game creators thought colloseum was too easy;munchlax; ;munchlax;


Active Member
;munchlax; ;munchlax; i don't think you can make it as your tanks are all fire. You need some beter pokes as the others are too weak. Plus, XD is harder as the game creators thought colloseum was too easy;munchlax; ;munchlax;


shove 'er in! ;O
Dude, your team honestly sucks. Entei has a horrible nature. If you could, replace FB for Calm Mind. Take out Typhlosion. AIEEHH! What happenned to ESPY! HE'S MY FAV!!! YOU NEED A SPECIAL SWEEPER DUDE!!!


Well-Known Member
Take out typhy? I don't think so! I shredded battle tower on colloseum with typhlosion pretty much by himself! I haven't played XD lol, I plan on buying it soon when I get a wii coz I cba to play on my gamecube lol.
XD's Mt.Battle was ruined due to the fact they had ubers >_<
but it was still easy