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Mt. Battle ?

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Needs a Deoxys

I know that if I beat Mt. Battle the first time, I can choose from one of the 3 Johto starters, but if I were to beat it a second or third time, would I be able to get one of the remaining starters?

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
this has already been asked in the FAQ I think...


try the main site first...

by the way the answer is YES

but you have to do Mount battle all over again!


Hoenn Champion
That is cool. I always thought that you could only choose one of the starters. I think that this game is going to be on the top of my list for games coming out this month.
Damm it I thought you could get all 3 starters

Poke Freak

Dark Venusaur said:
Damm it I thought you could get all 3 starters

... you didn't bother actually reading this thread did you? You CAN get all three, you just need to redo the entire mount battle to get another.

battle king

hey jade star trainer, if you beat mt battle once you can chose one johto starter, second and third time you get one for second and one for third


I need your help. The problem is that I've already passed Mt Battle once (complete) and several times from area 10, and I have not get any jotho starter, and I would like to know what's wrong or what I must do. I hope you can help me. (and understand because my english its not good)


Well, hectorztar, the problem is that you're not starting from the bottom. Here are the conditions you need to satisfy in order to be offered a Johto starter.

- Start from the bottom
- No exit
- No change of members in your party via PC

As long as you complete Mt. Battle like that every time, you'll be offered a starter.
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