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MTG COTD: Crimson Hellkite

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Constipation= Fetish
Crimson Hellkite - Mirage, 6th, 7th Edition. Rare
6RRR: Summon Dragon
X,T: Crimson Hellkite deals X damage to target creature. Spend only red mana this way.
"Dragonfire forged me a warrior."
-Rashida Scalebane

The hellkites are artists with flames, painting the world with fire.

lol. That really sums it up about this card.

How often do you come across having 9 mana in a red deck? Not to mention you can't splash green for mana accel, if you want to utilize it's effect. You really can't see the pros in this card. 9 for a 6/6 that could essentially deal 9 damage to any creature (would ko like 99% of all creatures) but.... turn 10+?....

The Duck's Rating: 1.5/5

Sergay Wang

If I can cast 1st turn Rorix Bladewing, people can cast Crimson Hellkite.

Anyway, you can still cast Crimson Hellkite with Green Mana, you just can't use Green Mana for the ability, thus not optimizing. But how often do you need Crimson Hellkite to do an insane amount of damage?

While at 9 mana is quite a steep price to pay for a 6/6 Flyer, do remember there are even more creatures who are more expensive and more useless. Like... Tidal Kraken. 9 mana for a 6/6 unblockable.

Yes, they suck, but not useless.

Crimson Hellkite is just another big creature card that is likely unplayable in almost all formats besides limited.

Limited: 4/5
Casual: 2/5
Constructed: 1/5

Anyway, this was how I pulled a turn one Rorix using Dragonstorm.dec:

Turn 1- I won die roll. I play. No mulligans.
Main Phase:
Mountain, Chrome Mox- Imprint Cabal Ritual
Tap Mountain and Mox (RB) - Desperate Ritual (RRR) - Seething Song (RRRRR) - Desperate Ritual (RRRRRR) - Rorix Bladewing.
Attack with Rorix for 6.
End Turn- Zero Cards in Hand.

My opponent scooped before his first play. Although, if he cast any removal, I'd likely would have had been in deep trouble.


Constipation= Fetish
King Loki said:
Anyway, you can still cast Crimson Hellkite with Green Mana, you just can't use Green Mana for the ability, thus not optimizing. But how often do you need Crimson Hellkite to do an insane amount of damage?
well, not utlizing it's effect... 9 mana for a 6/6? How about Ashen Firebeast, Avatar of Fury, Brimestone Dragon, Covetous Dragon, Fire Dragon, and Hunted Dragon t top it off.

and, for 9 mana, there are other cards like Furnace Dragon for artifact hate, Searing Wind for a game winner, or even Bringer of the Red just for the hell of it.
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