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MTG COTD: Iwamori of the Open Fist

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Constipation= Fetish
Iwamori of the Open Fist - Betrayers of Kamiwaga. Rare
2GG: Legendary Creature - Human Monk
When Iwamori of the Open Fist comes into play, each opponent may put a legendary creature card from his or her hand into play.

4 for a 5/5 with trample is great. No questions. Your opponent gets to play a LEGENDARY card? In casual and constructed, this card is awesome with the lack of legendary creatures. Limited however... LEGENDARY CREATURES EVERYWHERE. Anything but limited should be cool for the guy with the open fist. Casual play, it would really be nice if you know if your opponent has any legendary creatures. No? wahoo, 5/5 trample turn 3 coming your way. Your opponent has legendary creatures? Blastoderm or Emperor Crocodile can be a replacement.

The Duck's Rating: 3/5

Shadow Trainer

Hive Trainer
Trample and a 5/5 body for 4 mana is great.His effect is only really bad if you play against decks with good legends in them like, Kokusho. 3/5

Sergay Wang

If you know what deck you're playing Iwamori can be good. If you don't know, you'll have to hope.

Usually, in Boros Weenie, the only legends are Isamaru, 8.5 Tails, and Hikori. So generally, there are no problems there.

Against The Rock, you might have problems from Arashi, Kokusho, and opposing Iwamori.

Against Vinelasher Kudzu decks, you got Arashi, Meloku, Keiga, and again, opposing Iwarmori to possible face.

Against Gifts, you have Kagemaro, Meloku, and possibly a bunch of random others like Keiga or Godo.

Don't even think about Iwamori against Reanimator. The Unspeakable or Razia or even Kuro might suddenly show up and ruin you.

So, in constructed, there are a decent amount of legends that might pop out of Iwamori. Whether you need to worry about the opposing legenary is another thing. Usually, Iwamori will trample it, trade with it, or race it. Not so much completely lose against it.

Also, from what I understand, if a second Iwamori hits the table, the second one's ability doesn't trigger due to legend's rule. They just die. So, if you know your opponent has a Iwamori, don't play Iwamori.

Lastly, from my experience with Iwamori in Limited, there were very few occurances where my opponent had a legend better then Iwamori. I mean, Sensei Golden Tail or Fumiko or Nagou all die to Iwamori. And considering that most legends are usually rares and uncommons, it's not easy to have more then 2 in a deck. So the chances of your opponent having the said legend in hand tends not to be a major problem.

Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5

Sergay Wang

Well, no one is going to really play Iwamori in Type 1 or Legacy, as a 4 mana 5/5 is inefficent and the free legend giveaway is asking for a quick demise. And Extended only extends to Invasion block, so it's not that big of a difference.Maybe Rorix and Akroma. If that's the case, this card's power drops down by a lot more.


Constipation= Fetish
Well, Iwamori should be an option in casual play since my casual group doesn't use legendaries at all. But it's still a sideboard atleast IMO.

I mean, a 4 for a 5/5 trample. Sideboard. yeah.

Sergay Wang

Well.. casual isn't an official format tournament-wise. There's plenty of casual players and plenty of cards that are good enough for casual decks. i.e. Hypnox or Rhox. And I'm sure Iwamori would put a savage beatings on most opponents in Casual.

But cards like Rhox aren't amazing in tournament level decks. Iwamori is fairly strong, but the higher the competition, the higher likelihood of many strong rares and thus, more legends. And with that, Iwamori's strength dimishes. And when you expand on the number of sets, you increase the likelihood of running into more legends, thus dropping Iwamori's usefulness again.

That's the point. It's still a decently powerful guy, but it has it's risks in playing it.


Ski > You
It is damn good against the older decks, but let us try not to imagine it against another Kamigawa shall we?
Wheee! Uncommon legend!
4 mana for 5/5 Trample is excellent, and the only other creature on my mind with similar abilities is Darksteel Colossus, despite the huge creature level difference.
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