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MTG COTD: Lurking Informant

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Constipation= Fetish
Lurking Informant - Ravnica: City of Guilds. Common
1U/B: Creature - Human Rogue
(U/B can be paid with either U or B.)
2,T: Look at the top card of target player's library. You may put that card into that player's graveyard.
In the undercity, forgetfulness is often encouraged at the point of a blade.

This is my second favorite card from ravnica (next to spectral searchlight). It's so fun in limited where you just keep letting your opponent draw mana. Last drafts, I drafted 2 of these, and it was FUN AS HELL. 2 for a 1/2 ain't bad either since it can chump block little 1/1s so it's body is worth while IMO. Overall, fun card.

The Duck's Rating: 2.5/5


Lightning Swordsman
All this is useful for is early game, but the 1U/B mana cost is OK for a 1/2. If the ability cost 3 instead of 2, T, it would be a lot better. But because the card has to tap, it hampers the usefulness a LOT. 2/5.

Casual, it's 4/5 because you can just let your opponent draw mana or high-costing cards that your opponent can't really do anything with until you've already finished them off. Just watch for graveyard control.

Shadow Trainer

Hive Trainer
A nice card, the ability to cut your off your opponent from his spells or land is useful, and the 1/2 body is not too bad either. 3/5


Constipation= Fetish
~RaikouRider243~ said:
All this is useful for is early game, but the 1U/B mana cost is OK for a 1/2. If the ability cost 3 instead of 2, T, it would be a lot better. But because the card has to tap, it hampers the usefulness a LOT. 2/5.
lol, you do realise if the card doesn't have to tap to be use it's effect, it'll be broken like hell. Have a GU deck with walls and mana acceleration (like vine trellis) to stall and just mill the crap about of people. In the end, you channel, game over.

Also, it's worse in the early game. It's either

a) You look at the top card of your opponents library (also lets your opponent see so it aint a big wahoo)
b) You put it into your opponents graveyard and your opponent gets another card draw, not much of a break

Late game where you dont need any more mana, you control until the top card is mana. Also, during the late game, the "game winning" cards are more important then in the early game.

Not to mention, I wouldn't want to spend 2 mana during the early parts of the game just looking at your opponents top card and also revealing it to your opponent...
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A Shadow of Darkness
You don't reveal it to the opponent...
Unless a card specifically says "reveal it" only the player doing the looking gets to see.
Anyways, I have this in a casual mill deck of mine that's on its way to a standard-legal deck that will actually be good. Since you're probably playing blue when you use this, it can be incredibly useful in the early to mid game. If you have the mana, just wait until end of turn for them and then mill away. Despite it seeming more useful in the late game, it's hard as hell to win if you never got to establish yourself in the early and mid games.


Constipation= Fetish
kaizer63 said:
You don't reveal it to the opponent...
Unless a card specifically says "reveal it" only the player doing the looking gets to see.
Oh? I guess the magic group I'm in has been playing the card wrong since the library's owner picks up the card, reveals it to himself first, then reveals it to the opponent.



This is what is known as a Constant Relevant threat. Its power doesnt fluctuate much, if at all. Its ability always does the same thing, and is always relevant, and is almost always a threat.

Thus, 2.5/5.

Its a cheap effecient creature in U and B. That doesnt happen often. So, take use of this. It's good for stall, control, or mill. Well, not good, but it works if you dont have anything else to use.


This with top of deck cards like Aven Windreader and Eye Spy can be annowing and even deadly... 2/5 rating...

Sergay Wang

The one of the earliest and probably 2nd best milling effect in limited. When you have this and Vedalken Entracers, you're basically milling people to their deaths... or screwing up their draws until they forfeit.

"Oh, during your upkeep, I activate Lurking Informant's ability!"


"This spell- you don't want that. Dump into graveyard!"
"This land... since you're flooded already, you might as well add to the collection."
"Not enough mana to play those good spells in your hand huh? Okay, then let's keep that mana screw spinning!"

Having two of these is like... I control your draws until your die! If only Thoughtpicker didn't require the sacrifice of a creature, it would have trumped this guy... Oh well, DIMIR MILL DRAFTING FOREVER!
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