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MT's Ordinary Generic Shop

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Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
Status: Closed
Night time for meh.
1. No flaming or minimodding
2. Give credit
3. No more than 2 requests per post
4. No complaining
5. Don't request something I don't do
6. Don't request when the shop is closed


Recolors - Select a Pokemon and the colors you want me to put on it
Mixes - Select the base then select up to another 3 Pokemon
Devamps - Select the Pokemon to be devamped
Rainbow Pokemon - Select the Pokemon to be rainbow
Metal Pokemon - Select Pokemon and specify if you want color or not
Eggs - Select Pokemon and it will be turned into an egg
Revamps - Select Pokemon to be revamped (Slicing_Scizor)
Chaos - Select Pokemon (Slicing_Scizor)
Pokeball mixes - Select Pokemon
Glitch Pokemon - Select Pokemon

The Glitch Pokemon I do are not the crummy blocky kind. They were my original idea from a long time ago.

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Art shop owner
I am pretty good with photoshop and I think I can do about 2 jobs a day. I think that you should hire me.


Art shop owner
I can figure out the shapes of most of the pokemon eggs and mixed pokemon. In fact my username is based on a mix I did.


Hey, Mega, can you please make me a rainbow Espeon? Preferably it's 2nd sprite in it's DP animation. Thanks in advance!

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
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Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
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Aw, cute :-3

I can do banners and sprites for you, MT, but I only do it when I have inspiration and Photoshop on. xD

Make my two teams rainbowy, please. <3

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Awesome! Can I have a Rainbow Jirachi please?
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