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Multi-Land Pokemon RP: Staring the new continent of Shinka((PG-13))

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Now Shinka is a place full of mystery and new pokemon to be sure, but even the old pokemon have new ways to surprise you for this is the land of both natural and not so natural mutant pokemon. My main charecter Sei Horizawa discovers that once his uncle, is kidnapped just before the day when he is supposed to get his first pokemon, his uncle acting rather strangly, and attacking a 6 armed abra, who he rescues and nick names Shiva, but his Uncle escaped with the mysterious nameless team, we will refer to as Team Engima. Now Team Enigma is divided into sections based on elemental specialization, and
I claim the following ideas.
6 armed abra
Ralts that can emit emotions aswell as sense them.
5-headed Magneton
Metalic Loudred
Red Steelix
Black Scizor
Cerebrus Inspired Houndoom
and finally Gorgonic Jynxs
These are mostly my charecter's and rival's pokemon exept for the last too.

There are things called Mu balls that are represented by the Greek Sign of Mu. Which one uses to capture mutant pokemon.

You can apply to be a Team Engima member or befriend a mutant, and wait
until you can get a mu ball to capture it.

Home Region and Town:
Starting Region and Town:
Pokemon speciality:
Pokemon: ((Include as many details as possible if your serious about this.))
..I'll get mine up later.

New pokemon (Starters and evoltutions main things no more Fire/Fighting it's been been done)

Nickname: (If applicable all my main charecter's pokemon have names and so does his Rival...Shiva, Crimson, and Synch ..Amplitude, Pentas, and Shadow)) Shadow even knows a unique move called Shadow Dive, which is kind of self explanatory.
Classification: The _____ Pokemon
Description or Picture:
Attacks by level(And describe each attack including old ones for those of us with bad memories, better yet link to the new ones if you can)
Anything else
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you were the one.
You need to inform the RPers their settings, at least, and Shinka is a region I'm not at all familiar with. Can you explain more on these 'mutant' Pokemon? The new ones? Who's Sei's uncle? Profession? Where were Mu balls originated from? Characteristics, affiliation to Mutant Pokemon, etc. Why befriend a mutant? Can you explain more on the elemental specialization part? You did say it was a mysterious nameless team, and yet there seems to be quite a bit of information regarding their structure. Explain more on the players' role. What do they have to do with the uncle? Who exactly is Sei, and what's the connection between him and the other trainers?

Basically, it needs some work. Edit it and PM me the plot; if it's satisfactory, I'll reopen this.

Also, please don't double post. If you needed help fixing this, it should not have been posted without the needed revision.
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