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Murkrow in anime


Musical Trainer
Probably a bad place to be asking this but...

Has Murkrow ever been in the Anime? If so, does anyone have a good picture of one?

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Yeah, there were three Murkrow that kept stealing shiny things, including Ash's badges (if I recall correctly). And they would sing, too (at least in the dub, never saw it in Japanese).

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
This page lists Murkrow's appearances so far.

Not only that, but

[spoil]In the opening for the D/P saga, a Murkrow is in Shinji's lineup. Presumably that means Shinji catches a Murkrow. Either that or he got one traded to him for some magic beans.[/spoil]

EDIT: Bleh, beaten by so many...


Liger Zero!!!
Their was a group of Murkrow that attacked Ash and Co. at the Hoenn League, Those three mentioned earlier, and finally Shinji catches one in the new D/P episode


Musical Trainer
Lilly? Isn't she the one that turned Ash into a Pokemon?
And thanks for the help everyone. Haha


Team Awesome
And don't forget about the murkrows in the third movie short "Pikachu and Pichu". I know I also saw them in "Trees a Crowd", which I watched last night.

Silent Conversation

Chart obsessed wanker
Murkrow has been in the anime. My question: is there any non - Shinou pokemon that haven't appeared in the anime?