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Murkrows and Clocks


Thunder Trainer
In my Silver version game, after I captured a Murkrow, my clock got screwed up, ahead by about half a day. Hoping to correct it, I released the Murkrow into the wild, but with no success. Recently turning it back on in about two years time, after I corrected it, I wanted to hatch a Zubat with Faint Attack. So I traded my sister's Murkrow to my game pack and managed to get an egg. After returning the Murkrow to her pack and turning my game back on, the clock got screwed up again, only now it was behind by 3 hours! (Now you know why I hate Murkrows so much.)

Has anyone else found this little glitch or am I the only one?


Well-Known Member
Nope, and an odd one at that. But the clock for you isn't that far behind, I think you can still manage. I say catch another Murkrow and see what happens.


Demonic Warrior
You have the clock reset cheat in silver


Thunder Trainer
I've never heard of that cheat. . .


Staff member
Fofa said:
I've never heard of that cheat. . .
Here's all about it (copy and paste the link without the *):ht*tp://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbcolor/file/pokemon_gs_time_reset.txt It only works in Gold and Silver.