G/S/C had the best and the worst music EVER.
New. Bark. Town. Best. Music. All. Games. All. Music. It. Rocks. YourButtBecauseItIsTheMostAwesomesstPokemonMusicOfAllTimes! Ahahaha!
Sorry, got a little hyper there.
The exact opposite can be said of Olivine (And Violet). It is, simply put, the worst music ever. In any Pokemon game. Oh sure, there's been 104/115/116 in R/S/E, but Olivine is worst than that. I continually curse Nintendo for choosing Olivine/Violet City to make a remix of for FR/LG (6/7 Island), and have added them to my assasination list, along with Frank the Weather Weiner, Ben London, and the scriptwriters for the Anime. So no worries about hearing it again. Unless you want to. In which case you have brain problems. Like the music staff at GameFreak/Nintendo (Which one of them does the music?).
Route 37/38 or 38/39 or The Route Between Okay Music Ecruteak And Worst Music Ever Olivine (Is that 37 or 39? I know it is 38) is one of the best route music ever. Ever. If not the best. I haven't decided which route music is the best, but it's probably Route 38. Although it may depend of some music in D/P which I hear is route music but which is labeled as Town6 music in the MIDI Sequence D/P music which is in the "DP Music Thread" And route 34/35/36/37/40 is awesome. As is Route 30/31/32/33/42/43/Lake of Rage/44/45/46, but not as awesome. I find the cities mediocre, and Olivine/Violet atrocious, as I have said. I like the Kanto Route Music, and Lavender Town. Mt. Silver/Pokemon League pwns. I like all music associated with Pokemon League (Mt. Silver/Pokemon League, Battle Music, inducting into Hall of Fame, and credits). I also like Mt. Moon and Victory Road...
Is there anyone here who can rip music? I wanna download all of the above (Except for Olivine and Violet :x) onto my MP3 player...
New Bark Town ish teh best!