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My Art

Heres my drawing of baby Animals!

Cool cub

Grumpy Bunny!
Now Here is some pictures I did on paint



THe hand drawn ones are in such bad scanned/photoed quality, I can barely make them out (though the second one looks surprisingly decent. I think).
As for the Paint travesties... Why did you post them?
It's like... Looking at a J-Pop video while wound up on Jack Daniels and PCP. All I can really make out that's coherent is Michael Jackson in drag (what else is new). The rest of them... I just....
What drugs are you on? And where can I buy some?

Seriously, though. No... No more MSPaint stuff. Stick with hand drawn art; people like it more, and you're obviously better at hand drawn stuff than you are with Paint.


the cartoon-esque drwaings are nice...the style is unique...
i don't like the picture paint edits, but hate all picture paint edits, so.... kinda biased.

well, keep drawing and, uh, editing..



More baby animals please. They are rather cute.

The paint ones look like you took a bunch of random images from the internet, chewed them up, and spit them all over the computer screen. If you want to make collages like in the third one, at least learn about what needs to go into a good composition.