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My Ash X Jynx fan art pic

You, you heard me, I like this pairing, so I might as well draw it... and I dd:


and I plan to do another one... all bashing/flames welcome becuase I don't care what anyone says (that is, I don't care if it's negative, but I do care if it's positive comments, I'd like those)

Miss Rarity

A rarity to come by
............. I will not comment on your pairing choice.
BUT! Jynx's skin color is purple not black. It was changed because she was unknowingly designed somewhat similar a person preforming Black-Face and some people found that offensive so in 2002 nintendo changed her skin color to purple.
............. I will not comment on your pairing choice.
BUT! Jynx's skin color is purple not black. It was changed because she was unknowingly designed somewhat similar a person preforming Black-Face and some people found that offensive so in 2002 nintendo changed her skin color to purple.

I am very aware of this, however, I perfer the old original black Jynx (It's simply my opinion) I wanted to make her look as she did in the ep "Holiday Hi-Jynx" so I used Ash's old look and Jynx's old design
interesting choice i would flam the hell out of you but ive had my wierd couples...and i wont flam you cuz your name explains it

lol, k XD

currently working on a second one, though it will be much more simple