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My Attempt at Making A Shadow Pokemon


Patience? Virtue?
I don't know if i'm very good at this kind of thing, but i've made these in styles from 2 different games, one i think is emerald style and the other is D/P style. I've given them my own colour style for the normal kind and i've tried to do them in extreme shadow, like lugia was in Xd. Leave all comments and criticism, i'll make improvements depending on what you think of them




Well-Known Member
Jirachi looks stoned...the eyes are weird.

But Celebi is nice, I like it. And are those your own sprites, because if so, they're really good.


Patience? Virtue?
Well, they're not completely mine, the outline is slightly edited enlarged versions from Emerald For Jirachi and Diamond and Pearl for Celebi. but i did completely colour them myself after i'd re-sized them to look a little like XD sized images. And the jirachi looks like that in emerald, but i'll try to edit it to look a little happier

Edit: Here's a nother try at making Jirachi a little happier, although i think that the shadow Jirachi looks a little wierder
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