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My Banners & Stuff

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Tortoises pwnz you!
Disclaimer: First off, before anyone accuses me of stealing, I go by the names Knuckles and VDknuckles on other forums, and if you don't believe me just ask the person who you think I'm stealing from (which would technically be asking me if I'm stealing from me @_@). Also....DO NOT STEAL MY BANNERS/BUTTONS/AVATARS!

Old Stuff:



These were made for a forum that I go to. I guess they're decent considering that I made them in Picture It.



Here's my Saleen S7 banner which was made in PSP8. This banner is one of my favorites.




These are some banners that were intended to be contest prizes, but didn't turn out like I wanted. Both were made in PSP8.



This banner is probably my favorite banner out of all of the ones I've made so far. I used this on mugglenet a while back, and I might start using it again. It was made with PSP9.





Here are a couple of the better requests that I've done.



The avvie that I use on InheritenceForums.


Expect some more old stuff, and some new stuff soon.​


I ain't witty, so no
O.K., I am no expert on fan art, but these look cool, especially the saleen...they are HOT cars. Also the one you did for typhlogirl


We have different tastes in art.

I feel that you WAAAAAAY overuse the gridlines and other effects and that the renders blend in to much.

There's nothing really wrong with them. They're done professionally, I just don't like them.


I ain't witty, so no
Mr.DrSunnysock said:
We have different tastes in art.
I feel that you WAAAAAAY overuse the gridlines and other effects and that the renders blend in to much.

There's nothing really wrong with them. They're done professionally, I just don't like them.

Like I said, I don't know anything about shading, Etc


Tortoises pwnz you!
Mr.DrSunnysock said:
We have different tastes in art.

I feel that you WAAAAAAY overuse the gridlines and other effects and that the renders blend in to much.

There's nothing really wrong with them. They're done professionally, I just don't like them.

I know what you mean, I'm actually starting to lay-off the scanlines with my new banners/avatars. Thanks for the comments, I'll have some new stuff up soon.
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