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My banners


GFX maker
My banners :
I made 2 versions for a certain sasuke banner...Can you tell me whats better?..Here they are :
Version 1 :
Version 2 :

I also made 2 versions for another banner..Can you tell me whats better ? :
Version 1 :

Version 2 :
Thanks for rating them..
Criticizes are accepted!
P.S. I just started in May 26...


Well-Known Member
These are very good, but they shouldn't be this big. The bigger the banner, the more random effects you have to use to fill them up. Also, blend you renders a bit more into the banner, but keep depth. The text also shouldn't be as big, and the fonts aren't so hot :/ I'd stick to normal fonts.


<-ew blueberry juice
Contrary to what other people might say, GIMP really doesn't hold you back. I hate how people you the excuse "I only have Gimp" that is not legit because you can do a lot of what photoshop can. By the way, they all look pretty good, just try to blend the render more, also the last four need borders :p


Master Coordinator
There's some definate potential hidden away in here... but as others have said, in order to let it out, you'll need to make some adjustments to your style - at the moment, certain aspects of the tags are holding them back.

For instance, composition - the focal point of the tag (example: Naruto in the first) should be relatively close to the centre, or there will be a lot of blank spacewhich looks a bit boring... also, your banners seem rather flat - try brushing slightly over the render, and smudging the render, and maybe some Displace effects to change this.

Keep it up. :thumbsup:


GFX maker
Thanks you very much for the criticisms...
Well, I was right...SPPf members are good raters!


Well-Known Member
there all cool and the version 1s are better then the version 2s to me